Chapter 33

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The song is for the second half of the chapter, i'll tell you when to start playing it :)

Hi hello sorry it took so long but wuu it's getting interestiiing. When will I update again? Who knows, I'm moving to france on my own at the end of the month so if I die the story ends here kdcsjan jk jk (i hope) Also I have no idea, zero clue, nothing, nada, rien, on how to write olly's name and i'm to lazy to look it up so Olly it is for now. 

"Pleeeaase daddy"

"We told zayn we'll meet him here at 11 doll, it's 10:45"

"See? we're early. That's plenty of time" Harry insisted as he slid his hand down his boyfriend's chest.

They were inside the older's car, in the parking in front of the house. Despite having spent the previous two days locked in their apartment doing god knows what, it never seemed to be enough for Harry.

"Come on, then." Louis accepted taking him delicately by the waist to position him on top of him straddling his lap. He was careful since the boy was still injured.

Harry didn't waste a second and began to kiss him hard as he grabbed his face, he kissed him like they hadn't seen each other in months. Louis decided to not stay behind, so, aroused by his partner's desperation, he frantically undid the buttons on Harry's pants taking his dick out. After he toyed with it for some seconds he finally gave in to his desire and took his own dick out of his pants. Without any warning or stretching Louis buried his cock inside of Harry making him gasp.

"Oh my god." He heaved right next to Louis' mouth.

"Is this what you wanted? begging me to fuck you like a slut? You're so spoiled, always getting what you want." He whispered in his ear as he kept on shoving himself inside and out.

"o-only for you- daddy." Harry whimpered.

"Cause you're my slut." He said, making emphasis on the 'my'.

Louis kept a not so steady pace, taking up all the work since he couldn't let Harry make efforts. As they were both filled with pleasure, and tempted to cum already an interruption occurred. It was Liam... again.

"Lou Liam's right there." Harry said as he saw him through the window in the back.

"Don't worry the windows are, uh, tinted" He said groaning middle sentence as he didn't mind stopping.

"I know but he's walking-ah, over here."

"damn it" He complained as he quickly grabbed a jacket he conveniently had in the backseat and put it over his boyfriend's ass, hiding their private activity.

In perfect timing we heard a knock on the window. Harry immediately hid his face in Louis' neck but made sure he could still look at Liam. It was so funny for him to make Liam nervous. The window was rolled down just a little.

"Louis! wha- ... Oh... umm, were you... are you...-"

"Yes Liam. I am inside of him right now, would you leave us alone?" Louis said kind of angry but not that bothered, probably just a little jealous. It made Harry giggle a little as he gave him a glance like he planned.

"Oh, sorry. I... will, alone leave you- I mean, leave you alone, you know what I mean um hurry up?-" But before he could finish talking, the window was up.

"What was that?" Louis asked.

"What was what, daddy?" Harry innocently answered looking up at Louis, even if he knew exactly what he did.

"Don't play with his feelings Harry, you'll make him think he has a chance against me." The dom warned.

"He'd be so stupid to think that." he said as he laughed.

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