Chapter 1

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listen to the song while reading:)

It was a typical Friday night, I wasn't really feeling like going out but Liam wasn't planning on letting me get drunk on my regular chill bar as always. For some reason he wanted us to go to this new trendy club that was all the way across town. I'm not a big fan of trendy stuff but there was no way to say no to Liam. It was 11pm and you could hear the music from a block away, as we entered it wasn't as I expected it to be, it would have seemed like a cozy bar if it wasn't for the extremely loud music. I followed my friend all the way up some hidden stairs and when he opened the door the music blasted. We entered the club pushing some people around until we got to our VIP zone. We got some expensive drinks while we watched the people dance in obscene ways.

It was now 2am and the party was at its peak, there was no one sitting down besides us. Honestly I was kind of bored looking at everyone until I realized that everyone seemed to be looking at someone specific. I followed their eyes and understood their staring. There was this boy, he clearly was the life of the party, the most beautiful person I've ever seen. He had skinny black jeans, a see-through black blouse, and brown hair long to his shoulders and he was dancing like he was the only one there.

Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans (jeans)

Boots with the fur (with the fur)

The whole club was looking at her

She hit the floor she hit the floor

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Of course that song was playing, because as a matter of fact the whole club was looking at him, boys and girls. Which made me realize he was dancing with a girl, grinding on her like an animal. All my hopes to get him were about to leave the room when a saw him turn around and grind the exact same way but with a man, too old for him if you asked me. There was no excuse now. I wanted him and I was going to have him. After all no one has ever said no to me.

"Did someone caught your eye?" Liam asked, and boy if he catches my eye.

"You have no idea"

"Well then what are you waiting for? Go get him"

This was a little unusual, normally boys would come up to me without having to make any move. But I guess a little effort won't kill my ego. I stood up and went directly his way. When his multiple dance partners saw me coming up they immediately moved away, I have been told I can be a little intimidating. Anyways the boy wasn't intimidated at all, when he saw me he looked right into my eyes with big glassy green eyes and a smirk on his lips. He started to dance on me, you could tell he was tipsy, not entirely wasted.

He had been grinding on me for half an hour until he changed his position and faced me. I took my chance and asked.

"What's your name love?"

"Harry" he said without stopping his movements.

"So, harry, mind if I take you home with me tonight?"

"No thanks" he said smiling at me.

No thanks? Did he just said no thanks?! This boy didn't know who he was messing with.

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