Chapter 34

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I lived bitches. sorry for not updating i got depressed since i've been living in france lol. Also sorry cause ik the chapter is a little short:(( and i have finals coming up next month so idk when i'll update again but it's definetly not gonna take as long as this update did lmfao.

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(for those who don't remember: harry just beat the shit out of olly, cuz he was the traitor among other reasons wop)

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WERE YOU BEGGING HIM TO SHOOT YOU?!" Louis yelled as James softly placed Harry on the couch, who immediately brought his knees to his chest.

"ARE YOU CRAZY HARRY?! YOU COULD'.VE DIED BACK THERE!" Louis kept yelling and pacing back and forth but this time he stopped to let his frustration out by punching the wall beside him as he talked.

"Huh, you're punching walls now? You know, that's considered a red flag, ...I mean i guess killing people is also a red flag but-"


"But he didn't. Cause you stopped him." Harry answered in tranquility,

"How did you even know that I was gonna do that?! How'd you know I was even listening in the first place?!"

"I mean there's cameras all around the building I'm not stupid Louis. Besides, I just had a gut feeling." He answered

"You-you can't do that Harry!" Louis said as he ran both of his hands through his hair. "Do you know how I felt? When I saw him pointing his gun at your head and you begging him to do it? I had never felt that kind of panic before!"

"I'm sorry but none of this would've happened if you would've just believed me when I told you it was him-"

"Don't, fucking don't. Let's just, interrogate him..." Louis said as he left the room not waiting for Harry who immediately got up and followed him.

He walked big steps through the halls of the house and everyone jumped out of his way, terrified to be met by their boss's angry face. When they arrived to the basement where Olly was being kept tied and gagged, gards closed the doors behind Harry and Louis who started pacing.

Clearly to Harry he was feeling conflicted about the situation and he didn't like it.

"Louis, you told me you'd kill the traitor." He said staring at louis pace around the room faster

"I know what I said." He answered sharply.

Harry kept glancing at Olly who was now awake and following louis with his eyes, sort of hopefull, like he knew Louis wouldn't kill him. It was really bothering him.

"Then why aren't you doing it right now." Harry said looking back at his partner but he stayed silent as he walked in circles. He was running out of patience.

"Louis..." he said with teary eyes.


But harry was interrupted by a gun being fired.

Louis had shot his friend without taking his eyes off of his love.

As he walked over to him, he said;

"Don't look so surprised, I'd do anything for you." and proceed to let his gun fall to the ground and walk out of the room leaving a shocked Harry inside of it along with scared guards.

"I thought we were supposed to interrogate him." Liam said, taking Harry by surprise.

"God! Fuck! Where did Louis go? I don't know, just- fuck, get someone to get rid of him, I can't stand him even fucking dead."

"Who named you boss, princess?" Liam tried to light up his humour but it obviously did not work.

Harry couldn't help but think about what was wrong with him. Who was he to demand Louis to kill someone? He felt so brave some seconds ago when he yelled at Louis and now it was all gone.It was too late for that anyway, but not late enough for the guilt and confusion to arise inside him. He wanted Louis to kill him but now he felt bad about it, though he was not really surprised, he felt as if everything happened too fast. Which it did, because he didn't even notice when the supposed body was moved. And finally he couldn't help but wonder if his boyfriend was mad at him right now, considering the way he left the room earlier.

He was still in the same position as when the bullet was shot, but many minutes had past since it. He regretted it, he looked where olly was tied up just instants ago but there was only blood now. How could have he done this, how could Olly betray Louis, no... how dared Olly betray Louis. After all he did for him, it's still not an excuse to kill him. Or... no. It's not an excuse, but you know what it is? The fact that he was gonna steal him from us Harry, were you just supposed to let that happen? He did deserve it, didn't he?

"What?" Harry said in confusion, out loud. He had been thinking silently in that room for so long that the sound of his voice seemed to break some spell, as Liam just appeared beside the door.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Liam, who was just there to clean the blood, asked.

"I.. I- no, um where is Louis?" He changed the subject.

"I dunno, he stormed off."

He was talking to himself, or more like his self was talking to him. He tried to brush off those thoughts, those feelings that sometimes just took control of him, and that apparently could talk now.

He left Liam to his job and went to look for Louis, he surprisingly found him in the first place he looked, his office. The door was locked, which was uncommon, as the boss, he could leave it open knowing no one would dare to enter without knocking and having permission, which was what Harry had to do.

He gently knocked, "Lou? It's me... could you, could you open up please? I wanted to apologi-" But he was interrupted as the door opened, taking him by surprise.

"Get in" Louis said, calm now, even relaxed.

"What is that smell?" Harry said, making a face.

"A little weed, what were you saying?"

"Right, i, i'm sorry that i freaked out back there, i just... a weird feeling came over me."

Louis chuckled, " It's fine... youu... you feel it too huh? well, that's... good to know."

"What?" Harry asked, still standing by the door.

"That feeling I have for you, that it's much stronger than love, that goes beyond love... Now I know, it truly is mutual."

"Lou, you're high."

"I am. But don't even try to deny it. I saw it in you, I've been seeing it for some time now."

Harry stayed quiet.

"You know what's funny?" He chuckled again as he picked up his joint from the ashtray. "You weren't even that mad about the betrayal, what truly got you all riled up was the little crush he had on me wasn't it?"

The silence filled the room but Louis wasn't really expecting an answer, he already had it.

"You couldn't care less about the organization, your only concern is having me all to yourself isn't it? I mean let's face it Harry you had him killed over a jealousy fit." He laughed.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" Harry started crying as he tried to find some way to apologize, he knew he should've never given in to his urges. Louis had killed his friend because of him.

"Oh no doll," He said as he slowly walked over him, he slowly lifted his head, swiping Harry's tears away. "You see, I'm not mad hazza." Louis explained as Harry sniffed looking into his eyes. "Having someone love me the same way I love them... god, it makes me so happy." He said putting the joint between Harry's lips.

"Normally good boys are supposed to share, but when the time comes, we all must know how to defend what's ours" Louis continued as Harry inhaled. "As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with protecting what belongs to you, and today you proved to me that you're capable of doing it, even if it costs someone's life." He finished talking and kissed Harry deeply as he transferred the smoke through their mouths.

i hope you liked it <33 don't forget to like and comment plss:))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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