Don't Blow a Fuse

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A rustle comes from outside the bedroom window. Luca and Alberto abruptly stop laughing and look at each other.

"Giulia." they both acknowledge in unison. Alberto slowly gets himself up from the bed and reaches for Luca's hand to help him off the ground. He accidentally uses a little too much force, causing to Luca stumble a bit.

"Sorry" Alberto mouths.

I keep forgetting how light he is, Alberto winces to himself, idiota...

Luca smiles sweetly, holding in a laugh and waves his hand at Alberto, trying to push away his apology. Together they tiptoe towards the window and each push away a curtain. The rays of sunlight seem to pierce into Alberto's eyes and they start to water. He feels like he goes blind for a second.

Once his eyes adjust to the light from outside, he peers through the overgrown tree that masks Giulia's old 'hideout'. There's a quiet noise. It sounds like someone trying to gasp for air, almost like a choke, paired with a soft whimper every few seconds. Alberto pushes his head out the window to get a closer look and squints, his eyes still blurry from waking up.

He notices a glimmer of red in his sight and immediately knows him and Luca's assumption was right. It's Giulia making these grief-stricken sounds.

"Sorella-- " Alberto calls out, jumping onto the overgrown tree branch extending towards his window. Luca carefully follows him, doing his best not to look down. Alberto climbs onto the hideout's rundown platform and what he sees causes a sharp pain in his heart.

Giulia's head is buried into her knees, her hands grasping onto the red curls of her hair. Half of her hair seems to have been ripped out of her bun. Her body shakes with her erratic gasps for air between each sob. She doesn't even acknowledge the two boys in front of her, if she even knows they are there. Alberto stands in front of her for a few seconds and decides to call out again, "Sorrella, come on..."

She gradually lifts her head from her knees and glares at Luca and Alberto. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her teeth are clenched, almost hard enough to shatter them. The stare feels like its taking years off of Alberto's lifespan.

Giulia smiles wryly, still shaking. The crazed, look in her bloodshot eyes causes both Luca and Alberto take a step back. "Well," she sneers "Look who it is. Why don't you two go back to your room and continue your slumber party." She hiccups, trying her best not to continue crying.

Alberto clenches his fist, his nails dig deep into his palm, but he doesn't even notice the pain His blood starts to boil.

"What is your problem, Giulia?! Are you on your human period or something" giving her a taste of her own medicine of mockery.

Giulia shoots up from the ground faster than a bolt of lighting. She sticks her face right into Alberto's and glares into his eyes. "You never ask a girl that question, ragazzo" She places her hands onto his chest and thrusts Alberto backwards into Luca. Luca gasps and instantly holds his arms out attempting to catch him, but Alberto's weight smashes into Luca causing both of them to plummet onto the weak foundation of the hideout.

After regaining balance on his two feet, Alberto growls, ready to chew Giulia out, but she beats him to it.

"You both at least have a chance..." she sighs as she hugs herself with both arms, "At last some sort of chance of escaping all of this--" her eyes close and a tear runs down her face. She takes a deep breath before continuing, "The ocean, it's deep. Really deep--from what I've learned in school--It's deep enough to protect you guys..."

Alberto and Luca stare at her dumfounded.

"I'm just a stupid human. A stupid human who is forced to suffer the actions of some other stupid human who thinks it's okay to bomb innocent people." she laughs again, "And just when my life was getting good" She turns to look at the sky, still hugging herself.

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