Chapter One

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    "Why can't I do dishes, clean the daggone bathroom, anything else!?" I mumble yelled as I kicked the first stick I could see against the tree line. My parents had sent me out into the horse stables to clean the stalls. They both know that I dread this job. I've asked a million times for them to just send one the younger kids to clean them but they always argue that the animals always react better with me than they do with everyone else. Claire swears up and down that the horses curse her out in horse and try to stomp her out with their 'giant toenails.' What kind of sister would I be if I put her in harms way, anyway?
     Once I finished the stalls, I showered and had my breakfast before I headed off to school. The drive wasn't really too bad, considering that last week I got passed up by the school bus that tops out at 25mph. My parents got me this car when I turned 16 and I was happier than a beaver in a wood chip factory. It was a 1996 Dodge Viper. You can guess that I just stuck with Viper for her name. She was a dark blue, slightly rusted, dream. She purred from the time you started the ignition to the time you turned her off. In case you haven't guessed it, blue is my favorite color... anyway. She ran like a dream for the last four years, up until about three months ago.
   Now, you've gotta smack the hood in just the right place for her to even think about starting. Then, she goes maybe 20 mph the entire time; even slower if you're going uphill. Going downhill feels like you're living on the wild side... if you're used to topping out at 20.
       I got to my school about an hour and a half later, Lynn Lane Community College, and before I can even get Viper parked I'm already twenty minutes late. Every dang morning. I mentally smack myself for the third time this week before I grab my bag and kick my door shut behind me. I bust through the school doors, leaving my car unlocked, and storm through the hallways to my history lecture.
     Halfway to the class, somehow missing the massive 'WET FLOOR' sign, I skid to the floor with the loud screech of my tennis shoes echoing through the halls. "For heavens sake!" I shout, picking my things off the floor and finishing my full sprint to my class. Of course I bursted through the doors... this wouldn't be college if I didn't make an even bigger fool of myself.
     I grasped my loose papers a little tighter, my bag slung loosely over my shoulders, and bits of blonde curls poking out of my messy bun. I whisper a quick 'sorry' to my professor and scurry over to the first available seat I could find. As soon as I sat down, I pulled out my history notebook and started to run my hand against the bottom of my bag, frantically searching for my pen case. "It's not even Monday, dude..." I mumble to myself and fold my arms across my chest as I leaned back into my seat. I guess today we're paying even more attention so we can pass this class.
    About five minutes later, I feel a quick tap on my shoulder. "Psst..." I ignore it. "Lady." I hear the man whisper yell right next to my head. "You're not going to memorize anything he says."
I scoffed. "Bet." With a huff, I crossed my ankles out under the desk.
"You're gonna be like that with someone whose off-" The lecture stopped and the only sound heard through the entire room was the professor clearing his throat.
    I smiled sheepishly as he looked at me. As soon as he turned around I did the same, facing the guy sitting directly behind me.
     I froze, instantly filling with rage as I looked into his hazel gaze.... his smug grin that showed just the slightest hint of pearly white teeth behind his perfect fu-
    He's proud of my embarrassment. Great. Just great. As if this school needed another popular pretty boy. I don't care where you go: church, work, school, clubbing... there are always those popular groupies who treat anyone whose not wearing designer or high class hairdos like they should either kiss their feet and worship the ground those inconsiderate jerks walk on.
    He cleared his throat and I snapped back out of thought to realize I've probably been staring at his lips for well over a minute. Realizing that I'm still obviously flustered, he breaks the silence between us. "I was asking if you would like a pen to take notes with because with that little hobby you've got there," he gestured to my face "Your chances of remembering anything about this class without one is very slim." I looked to him, then to the pen, and back and forth for a second before grabbing the pen with a mouthed 'thank you' and turned around probably looking redder than a lobster.
     I quickly grabbed my things and darted to my animal biology class as soon as the professor announced the class had ended. Sure, I was an hour early and left my lunch at home but I could find a better use for my time. I pulled out my notes and book from my history class and began the wonderful journey known as studying.
     About forty-five minutes later the other students started piling in one after another. Then about five minutes after the class was scheduled to start, my professor comes in staggering and buttoning up the last few buttons on her blouse with her facing the open door. "I'll catch you after my next class, hot stuff." She practically purred into the hallway.
     She started to turn around quickly until suddenly her face goes whiter than a ghost and then she turns almost as slow as a turtle eats. A slow smile crept its way onto her lips as she scratched the back of her neck, nervously mumbling out "It was.... just my.." She cleared her throat and made her way over to the board that just read 'Professor Culligan.'
"It was just my husband." She had rushed out, sounding even more suspicious than before. "Now!" She started and then began teaching her class on the wolves that are usually encountered on this side of the world.
     After class was finished I grabbed my bag and started out of the school. Two 90 minute classes a day made college much easier than high school.
     I ran to viper and headed to my second to last stop of the day, work at Stephen's Diner. As soon as I had pulled into the reserved employee parking space, I grabbed my work bag and threw it over my shoulders before sprinting inside the building and changing in the bathroom.
     "Does she even like the guy?!" Safiya whisper yelled as she ducked down under the counter, her small body crouched down behind the service bar. Her ex had came in with Angelica Maurice. Angelic was the blonde haired bimbo that made other blondes, like myself, look bad. She was raised here in Kentucky and she still speaks with that fake 'valley girl' accent. "Oh my gosh, ewww!" She screeched loudly, her high pitched whine piercing everyone's eardrums within a fifty foot radius.
     "I reckon I'm being paged by Princess Entitled." I chortle and Safia retaliates with her best puppy dog eyes. "I don't wanna go out there." She whined from the floor, entwining her fists to increase her adorable begging factor. "Listen, either you go out there and handle keeping everything else together while I deal with this absolute basket case and I won't tell Tyler that you're here, yeah?" She grumbled and shot up from her crouch, almost bumping into me, and stormed off with her short grumpy self, all red faced and plotting my demise.
     "Smile! You've only got a few hours left!" I shouted across the diner, earning a few laughable glances from around the room and an extra death glare from my favorite coworker. Tyler was obviously too distracted by Angelica to even notice that I had shouted almost right next to him. I mentally laughed at the poor guy before stopping at the table, prepared for what ever she had to throw at me.
     "Um. What the hell are these?" She pushed her half eaten plate of eggs towards me. "Looks to me like they're eggs." She scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "I asked for cilantro on top of them." No she didn't. "It says here..." I tapped my notepad with my pen. "In my handy dandy notepad that you wanted them on the side." I gestured to a small cup of cilantro sitting right next to her elbow on the table. "I asked for it to be cooked into the eggs." I grinned and flipped the notepad to her order. "Actually, it says here in clear writing that you wanted it on the side, specifically in a 'thing' about as round as a quarter. That little cup is full of cilantro, it's the same diameter of a quarter, and it's right where it's supposed to be."
     Angelica scoffed and pushed the cilantro off of the table with her elbow. "Whoopsies." She covered her mouth with her hand and giggled like a small child,possessed by Lucifer himself. "Can I get some cilantro in a quarter-sized cup?"  Sure. Princess Entitled.

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