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DEJASIA BRIDGE don't mind mistakes

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don't mind mistakes

Where you going" Izzy asked me as I was puttin on my outfit "with Rubi she wanted to hang out and shit"

you still fucking with her ass" he came in the room sitting on the bed

"She hasn't done shit to me but if she does then I'm definitely cutting her off" I looked in the mirror

You like it ion like it" I asked Izzy "yea you  look fine as fuck"

Too much you could have said something different but what you doing with my son today" I changed my pants and shoes

You mean our son but with my moms and shit she wanna spend time"

no I haven't meet ya mom properly"

you ain't missing much she's a regular ole mom" he shrugged "Atleast you have mom" I mumble lowly

I ain't mean it like that"he stood up and walked toward me

nope it's fine" I looked down seeing a text from Rubi

she just texted me" i walked where Amarion was and picked him up

disturbing his peace" Izzy came to the door and shook his head "nigga he's my son" I put my hand in his face and left


You look cute" Rubi said and turned down the music "thanks"I gave a tight lipped smile

the baby and izzy their"she asked me as we drove off "nah he went to go do something with him" she nodded and kept driving

so clothes and food" Rubi said as we enter the mall "most  definitely" we went in a couple stores I picked up thing for Amarion and I

So you wanna get food now or still shop" she asked me "let's get food" we walked until she stopped me "this is the store I wanted to go in" i looked up at the sign seeing Saks 5th

Oh okay" we walked in and went back out in seconds I knew she ain't have no saks money

Rubiiii"I heard from behind me and I turned and saw Rubi goes towards the voice while I followed

look at my best bitch Raeeee" Rubi hugged her

tf she mean best bitch I looked at them hugging and rocking back and forth like they haven't seen each other In years

so you ready to go"Rae said breaking from the hug "oh wait I wanna introduce you to my baby momma Deja" Rubi looked at me and I mugged ha

What's up with shawty face looking stank" Rae laughed " keep ya comments to ya self ho"

fuck is wrong witchu having an attitude with her"Rubi scrunched up her face

"Rubi you may be my best friend but you is one of the dummest fuckin bitch why would you think it's okay to bring this bitch here or matter a fact he friends withchu if you know we have problems" i slowly started to yell

It's not that serious tho she's cool she ain't do shit you" "Bitch if got problem that's on you ion have problems with dirty bitches who fuck my nigga and have a baby on em"

Dirty bitch tuh can never be that but didn't you faked a pregnancy thinking shit was sweet between you and him you know what ion why I'm talking if I can't just beat ya ass"

Dejasia you is not fighting her hell is wrong withchu" she grabbed my arm but I pushed her off "you lucky rubi I'm not fighting ya ass right now"

"you sure you wanna fight Deja cause last altercation you got in yiu really couldn't save you or ya son" Rae laughed and Rubi giggle lowly

I ran up on her ass and her punching her in her face making her fall and hit her head on the table. ATP A big crowd started forming in the food court

"y'all stop the hell" Rubi tried to pick me up but we was still fight Rae had finally flipped me over and hit me a couple times

While I was on the ground and she was on top of me I wrapped my arms around her neck and chocked her tightly

HELLO WHAT GOING ON?" I heard the security say while Rae was slowly bout to pass out

The security pulled her off of me and the other security guard took me off the floor

"nah shawty almost killed her ass" I heard someone say in the crowd

Can you let go of me" I asked security guard who pulled me away

"I'm giving you a warning don't do that shit again" he dropped me and walked off I went back to get my stuff I'm from the food court which was surprisingly still there.


Walking out the mall I took out my phone calling Izzy

"lil nigga calm down" Was the first thing I heard when Izzy picked up the phone

I know you not talking to my son like that" and if I was you ain't gone do shit"

you know I'm not bout to argue witchu can you pick me up from the mall" I thought you was with Rubi and shit"

She went with her best friend but I'll tell you that later" iight stay where you at I'm bout to go getchu

Took you long enough" I got in the car throwing my bags in the back

Where's my baby at why you ain't bring him" that's what took me long he wasn't fucking with my momma like that but I left him"

Ugh whatever" I rolled my eyes and laid back "so you ain't gone tell me what happened"

Oh yea okay so basically me and Rubi was chilling buying shit real calm but she gone in saks 5th like she got saks 5th money but whatever so we left in seconds and we walking to the food court"

now this is when it happens so someone gone call ha name mad loud and she run over their so I follow ha and she all hugged up and shit"

And guess who she was hugging and not regular hug either side to side hug"

who" he asked looking at me confused

Mother fucking RAE like ha out all fucking people so I get mad at her and shit we go back and forth bout you but she talked about me and son getting stabbed up and Rubi didn't care"

nah shawty not bout to talk bout my son and think shit sweet"

rii so that's why we was fighting and I chocked her ass out simple" I shrugged and laid back down

Fuck what happened to Rubi" bitch gone leave with her best friend" I rolled my eyes

this whole thing got my stressed I just wanna see my baby and have me some me time"

Let's have our own me time" he licked his lips and looked at me "boy you is funny as fuck" I laughed

stop playing you stressed and I'm me" he put his hands on my thigh while still driving

fuck is this what I really want? No but I need it

fine park somewhere but closed off"

I already know where to go this ain't my first time around" he moved his hand up to my area

shut up and go" Pulled up to this parking lot in God knows where and parked. The good thing was that he had tinted windows

go in the back" I climbed to the back of the car and threw my bag in the front. "You already know the drill" he said getting in the back and that was the last thing we said before getting busy.

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