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Y'all I ain't wanna do a part two or another chapter to this book but since y'all are confused here y'all go.

RUBI (1,000 Words)

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RUBI (1,000 Words)

All I wanna do is see my baby girl" I told Rae as we were sitting down doing her daughter's hair

So go see ya ain't nothing stopping you at all" Rae put the Lil Barrett on ha hair

"Yes it is Jeremy (Blu) n his ugly ass baby momma is stopping me every time I come around they be leaving making sure Eva doesn't see me "

Welp that sound like a You problem" Rae shrugged

Fuck is y'all doing in here" June stormed in the room lookin at all three of us

Nothin we just talkin and doing hair" Rae had laughed slightly "Well Rubi come I need you" June winked at her making Rubi roll her eyes at Rae

Whatchu want" Rubi said going down the stairs "You wanna see ya kid? Yes or no?"

Rubi stayed silent for a minute then nodded her head "Yea I wanna see her but I can't every time I try they keep her away"

"I gotta plan now ya fucking dumb asses gotta be real smart about this, so you gone bring Rae withchu" June sat down taking a sip of his drink

"Why can't I go by myself if it's about my child" June sat his drink down and looked at Rubi.

"What did you just ask?" He stood up and looked Rubi in her eyes. " I said why can't I just go by myself if it's about my child?" Rubi had spoken louder.

In 0.01 seconds June had pimped slap Rubi making her fall to the floor with a bleeding eye.

June stepped over her and called Rae.

" Yooo bae come clean this bitch up" June called up the stairs

Making Rae come down the stairs and see Rubi cry from the pain


June Rae and Rubi sat in June's conference room which was actually the kitchen.  they had discussed the plan to get Eva back and June's Revenge on Izzy.

"Can I be honest with you" Rubi sat down on Rae's bed playing with her fingers

"Yea girl wassup?" Rae said picking out an outfit.  "I think June is out of his mind with this dumbass plan and we should just take his money and go"

Rae laughed at Rubi with the dumb ass plan she had. "Girl are you dumb he would beat us like we stole sum n don't think I haven't tried that before"

"Think about it TODAY cause ion like this no more, Deja was once my friend, best friend at that,so to do this it's too much"

Later that day

June brought a black van that his homeboy had given him Rubi and Rae was in the back when June was telling them the plan again.

Rae had looked through the crack in the fence of Deja and Izzy's house 

what you see?" June had said from the AirPods. "Nothing much really they having a lil backyard party," Rubi said and looked through the crack spotting her daughter and Blu.

Rae pushed on the Lil fence of the backyard and quickly entered with Rubi. nobody could hear them since the music was blasting almost waking up the whole block. 

Girl move ya big ass to the side got me leaning to the side." Rae had quietly whispered to Rubi why they were hiding behind the bushes. 

i see my baby daddy" Rae smiled looking at Izzy which made Rubi roll her eyes, I see ya daughter too she looks just like blu." Bitch stop talking about my kid."

" All I did was give the child a compliment she looks like her dad can't say she looks like you bitches is ugly"rae had said to Rubi and mumbled the last part under her mouth.

While the two girls were arguing June came into the backyard and started letting out shots. After Rubi and rae saw June letting out shots and took Amarion and Eva. 

All of them had run to the back van and Rae and Rubi had thrown the children in the back and June were in the seat driving off. 

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?" I looked at Amarion sitting next to Eva. "girl what's the problem"Rae said scrolling through her phone. " why would you take him it wasn't a part of the plan at all." 

Bitch plans change it's either you know or you don't" Rae laughed. "Mommy?' Eva called and I smiled "mommy is right here" I held my hands out in front of her making her back away from me and call to Amarion.

It's been a couple of weeks since we took Amarion and Eva, she still doesn't recognize me, and it's all cause of that bitch. Amarion is just like his mother and father combined. i missed my nephew.

June and rae were gone for the day and I was left alone with the kids. Today I decided that I was going to take them back to Izzy and Deja I felt bad cause I was kidnapping children. After dropping them off I would leave and move on with my life. 


'How do you know where I live?" Amarion looked out the window I stayed silent parking the car and left it running I got out to take the kids out and drop them off.  I crouched down and gave Eva a hug and kiss telling her goodbye "mommy loves yo-" 

Fuck are you doing?" I heard someone yell and I looked up and saw Izzy standing there with a gun in his hand with Deja right beside him. "My baby" Deja ran up to where I was and looked at me.

"You fucking psycho ass bitch taking my kids fuck is wrong with you?, I should beat the fucking breaks off you coming over here and doing some shit like this what type of "friend" are you" Deja stood in my face yelling. "Your kid? Eva is my child much more than you" I stood backup fixing the bag on my shoulder.

"You can't just claim her cause you birthed her bitch it takes more than pushing a baby out to be a mother".  "Oh, and you would know with ya crack ass momma bitch bye buy your life you should be happy your kid even came bacK" Deja looked at me and laughed went over to Izzy grabbing his gun away and shooting me in the arm.

"Now buy your life bitch"Deja yelled to me as I ran to my car holding my arm and after that, i never saw them again.


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