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Couple months later (Amarion 1st birthday)

"we need the cake and the balloons that's the main thing" Izzy's mom said on the phone to the party planners

i don't care this is my grandbaby if it's not right give me all my damn money back" Izzy mom hung up the phone.

You aight ma" I asked as she sat down shaking her head "these fucking people getting my damn blood pressure up" we laughed

ma ma" Amarion ran to me holding my phone. Yes baby" I crouched down to him

da" he pointed to the phone and I took it from him answering

"hello mr. jailbird" "stop playin with me where my lil nigga at"

stop calling my son that hell baby da wanna say hi" I gave the phone to Amarion and went to the bathroom cause I was feeling a little sick.

not you sick on my baby birthday" Ma said handing me a glass of water

"I'm not probably something I ate I been a lil hot and sick but it's nothing" Deja shook it off and ma gave me a side eye

Ya coming to see me or what" Izzy asked me over the phone today he wanted to see him since he couldn't really be here.

"yea we bout to head over their now"
heyy mr. man I gave Izzy a side hug and he slapped my ass

I see you been gaining a lil sum back their" he sat down boy stop playing I've been had all of this back here

You know I had to make that from scratch" he laughed and I rolled my eyes

his fine ass to fuck that man again

Nigga talk ya son you wanted to see him not me" I took rion out his little car seat and handed him to Izzy "why can't I see both" he picked him up

da da" rion laughed and smiled

You know I gotta tell you sum and ion wanna give you bad news today but shit" he said and I got scared

what now" I rolled my eyes "they thinking bout giving me life and no probation" he said blandly

Fuck you mean life Israel that's bullshit some bull-shit it's al cause of June he set this whole shit up from me and rion getting in that condition and you up in here" I laid my head on the table

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