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I got mad when Deja said that shit. I know I'm not no bitch but when said that shit a lil nerve in my body went off.

Walking outside to stop her she wasn't bout to leave saying that slick shit.

Shit was getting outta hand i was trying to talk to her but she got me yanking her car handle and making me pull out my gun.

Hearing Rubi and Blu in my ear yelling  "bro clam down come back in the house" blu said standing next to rubi on the porch.

I shook my head "Get the fuck away from my car Izzy" deja yelled

"open the fucking door I wanna speak to you." She put her head down on the steering wheel she unlocked her car.

"put the gun away and calm down come around the other side.

Silence both of us stayed silent didn't look at each other.

"  My bad" i finally spoke up.

"What do you mean my bad"?

"I mean for all the shit that has happened from asking you to fuck ,coming on to you on the couch and this shit right here. I know I'm not a bitch my anger gets the best of me."

"Thanks all that shit I said to you maybe it was your fault but I said some shit to."

"Ight so we cool now"

"Yeah we cool"Deja laughed

"switch seats"

"what you mean?" Deja scrunched up her face.

  "I'm bout to drive around for awhile let me clear my head" I got out the car

"Where are we gonna go and don't wreck my car ." I crossing over to the other side.

" Yo calm down if I wanna wreck ya shit I will simple."

And this is why we have problems now always wanna be saying some slick shit. I rolled my eyes.

The car ride was long I didn't know where we was going but we went and drove around for couple of hours

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The car ride was long I didn't know where we was going but we went and drove around for couple of hours.

I noticed the small thing about him like he can actually stay calm surprising,The way he observes everything without being obvious but he still an ass.

After an hour of driving went to this líl diner.

"Why did u take me to a diner"I looked at him while getting out the car.

After all that yelling you don't want nothing to eat and "Jasmines" is that place to eat at.

"Yea okay" I walked in front of him.

Some Big fat guy comes up to us comes up and starts talking to Izzy.

Yoooooo Izzy my guy I haven't seen you in forever. The guy and Izzy dapped each other up.

"I know bro its been months" Izzy said

I stood there quite looking at my phone texting Rubi back.

All these calls and text messages from her letting her know I was okay and getting captured by a psycho.

"This ya girl bro she bad."The guy looked at me up and down

"I'm not his girl. she not my girl"we both said at the same time.

I walked away after that taking a seat at this big booth noticing this crooked bitch staring at me up and down with this guy next to her. The guy gets up and heads to the bathroom next to them.

"That must have been a good conversation ya had back there" I looked at Izzy coming to the table

"Yea my homie big steppa"

"So is he apart of your "gang" I put my hands in air quotes.

He laughed "nah I don't have a gang copying what I just did.

The girl from the other table comes to our table "Heyyy Izzy long time no see"He nodded and looked back at me she continued to talk.

" is this your girlfriend so sad for u Izzy I missed what we had"

"Desperate is one hell of a drug don't you have a boyfriend to get back to bitch.

"shut the fuck up I wasn't talking to you"She rolled her eyes and walked back go the table where her boyfriend was the guy looked at Izzy real hard.

"Don't mind her"  looking at his menu.

ignoring him and typed something on my phone in my notes showing it to Izzy. He grabbed my phone reading it he put his hand down reaching his gun.

He turned back not making it tooo obvious he was looking at them.

"Fuck"   "What"? I looking at him confused

"I should have known something was up when that bitch came over here Deja when I tell you to do something do it. I shook my head

" tell me what u see behind me."  I shook my head I was not trynna die tonight.

"They're talking and keep looking over here" I see the him getting up slightly and taking something out his pocket. He throws me the car keys under the table.

The guy let out two shoots at Izzy. Izzy started shooting back and ducking behind the table

I was panicking very hard the loud sounds of guns going off made my ears hurt. Izzy got up signals me to go to the door and leave.

He lets out three shots hitting him in the shoulder the guy held it and let out more shots we walked to car they kept on shooting each other.

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