No im sorry

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benny's pov

are you being serious y/n l/n?

y/n's pov

yes i am. im so sorry benny. ever since i've met phillips, ive felt a bond. connections

phillips was silently cheering in the back but benny slapped him across the face knocking him to the ground.

benny's pov

no im sorry. im the one that liked you and that is something i regret. just so you know, i think we shouldn't even be friends.

y/n's pov


benny's pov

no y/n. we are done. forever

i saw a small tear drop falling from his eye. i felt so bad. i broke benny's heart and i can't fix it. benny ran away leaving the sandlot. i fell on my knees pouring out my eyes. i was sobbing so hard. every memory i had with benny wouldnt leave my mind.

phillips pov

hey hey, calm down my sweet. you'll get over it. rodriguez is gone and he isn't coming back. 

y/n's pov

does he really mean that phillips?

phillips pov

unfortunately yes. how about we get some ice cream and we can go to the movies?

y/n's pov

I will do anything to get benny off my mind.

I continued crying while phillips was next to me. comforting and hugging me. 

y/n's pov

its getting cold

phillips pov

here my sweet

he took off his jumper and wrapped it around me while i kept crying like scotty when he got lost at the zoo a couple years ago. he was only 3 so i understand but im 13. 

y/n's pov

thank you my prince

phillips pov

anything for you sweets

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