4 - Before Team Excersise

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Previously In Ch. 3

"Well you look nice." I said as I looked Lance up and down with the same look in my eyes as Keith.

Now in Ch. 4

Shiro's P.O.V.

"Hey." Lance said as he entered the star gazing room, us not far behind him.

"Hey Lance," Hunk said as he saw him coming in. "I made an extra batch of cookies just for you."

"Really? You are the best Hunk." Lance replied as He tackled him with a hug.

"Yeah I know I am." Hunk replied as he hugged Lance back.

"So do you want to lay together to see the stars?" Lance asked as he let Hunk go.

"Yeah, my blanket is over there." Hunk said as he pointed to a big fluffy orange blanket.

"Yay." Lance exclaimed as he went to lay down on the blanket.

"What are you doing?" I said as He looked like he forgot about us behind him.

"Getting the blacket ready for me and Hunk." Lance replied as He just finished.

"Oh!" Keith said as he was right behind me.

"What?" Lance asked as he turned around to see us looking rejected.

"Just thought that you would lay with us cause we wanted to ask before we came here." I replied as I looked back at Keith to see him nod in agreement.

"Oh," Lance said as he looked at Hunk to see that he was coming up from behind us. "I didn't know?"

"It's alright you don't have to if you don't want to." Keith replied as he started to walk to a clear space for us to lay in.

"O-okay!" Lance exclaimed as he saw us both walk away.

"Hey Lance." I said as I saw Lance coming towards us.

"Hey." Lance replied as he stopped in front of us.

"Did you need something?" Keith asked as he looked at Lance with his blanket.

"I wanted to know if you guys still wanted me to lay with you because Hunk decided to go lay with Pidge." Lance asked as he looked down to my feet.

"Yeah it's fine." I replied as I smiled at him.

"Yeah!" Keith agreed as he moved over to let him sit down between us.

"Okay." Lance said as he walked to the middle of us and sat down with his blue fluffy blanket around himself.

"So, how have you been these past few days?" I asked as I smiled at him.

"I've been good these days because it is so calm but it's feels strange as well." Lance replied as he looked at Keith as he shifted to lay closer to him.

"What have you been doing lately because we haven't seen you around lately?" Keith said as he laid down.

"Just been lazing around my room." Lance said as he laid down as well.

"Really then why don't you hang with us when you are bored."I said as I followed Keith and Lance .

"Really?" Lance asked as he looked at me staring at him.

"Yeah." Keith said as he grabbed Lances hand.

'He looks so cute!' I thought as I saw a blush on his cheeks.

"I-" Lance was about to say something before he was cut off.

"Okay team what kind of galaxy should we look at?" Allura asked as she looked at all of us.

"The Milky Way." Lance said as fast as he could when he sat up quickly.

"Yeah!" Everyone else said as they all agreed with Lance.

"Okay then," Coran said as he laid beside Allura when she laid down. "Why don't you guess put in the destination so we know what your galaxy looks like."

"We'll do it." Pidge replied as Hunk and her got up to go to the controls fro the star gazing room.

"This is going to be cool to looked at our home planets stars." Lance said as he just layed back down between Keith and I.

"Yeah it will be." We both said at the same time.

~Tiny Time Skip~

I felt Lance in my hand, content with laying with both of the people I love. Feeling him shift out of reach, I started to wake up.
Opening my eyes, I see Keith getting up as well.

"Where'd he go?" Keith asked as we both got up.

"I don't know but maybe we should go find him and confess how we feel?" I said as I got up.

"Yeah," Keith replied as he got up and followed me out. "But we don't even now his second gender? What if he rejects us because we are both alphas dating."

"Don't think like that he will like us I've seen the signs that he feels the same way we do." I replied as we walked towards his room.

"Bu...." Keith was about to say till we both stopped in our tracks.

'This smells like an omega in heat.' I thought as we both looked at each other and followed the scent and saw Lance.

"Hah, I can't, hah!" Lance gasped as he fell to the floor at the end of the hall with his bedroom door just down the hallway.

"It's so hot, hah." Lance said as he grabbed his shirt.

'His smell is amazing.' I thought as I fisted my hands.

"L-lance!" I said as he looked back at us.

"A-are you alright?" Keith said as he fisted his hands.

"Are you an omega?"I asked as Keith and I both held our hands to our mouth.

"Alpha, hah." Lance gasped as we both walked towards him.

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