Ch2 - Group Exercise

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Previously In Ch. 1

'I wonder what that look in their eyes mean? I know that they will never like me so it makes me curious as to what their look meant!' I thought as I continued down the hall with Shiro and Keith by my sides.

Now in Ch. 2

Lance's P.O.V.

"Hey." I said as I entered the star gazing room.

"Hey Lance," Hunk said as he saw me coming in. "I made an extra batch of cookies just for you."

"Really? You are the best Hunk." I replied as I tackled him with a hug.

"Yeah I know I am." Hunk replied as he hugged me back.

"So do you want to lay together to see the stars?" I asked as I let Hunk go.

"Yeah, my blanket is over there." Hunk said as he pointed to a big fluffy orange blanket.

"Yay." I exclaimed as I went to lay down on the blanket.

"What are you doing?" Shiro said as I forgot about them behind me.

"Getting the blacker ready for me and Hunk." I replied as I just finished.

"Oh!" Keith said as he was right behind Shiro.

"What?" I asked as I turned around to them to see them looking rejected.

"Just thought that you would lay with us cause we wanted to ask before we came here." Shiro replied as he looked back at Keith to see him nod in agreement.

"Oh," I said as I looked at to Hunk that was coming up from behind them. "I didn't know?"

"It's alright you don't have to if you don't want to." Keith replied as he started to walk to a clear space for him and Shiro to lay in.

"O-okay!" I exclaimed as I saw them both walk away.

"What was that???" Hunk asked as he was now beside me.

"They wanted me to lay with them for this team exercise." I replied as he just laid down on Hunk's fluffy blanket.

"Really?" Hunk asks as he sat down on his blanket.

"Yeah," I said as I stared at where they were setting up their blankets. "But I don't know why. I mean I know they would never like me because they keep telling me the mistakes I made and that I should do better than last time."

"They probably care about your well being." Hunk said as he looked in the direction I was looking.

"Why would they care about me?" I asked as I looked down at myself.

'It's not like they will like someone as useless as I am then the way I like them.' I thought as I cuddle up in my blue blanket Turing towards Hunk.

"You should go lay with them. I can go lay with Pidge and talk about some new gadgets that I thought would be useful for us.

"What! No!" I exclaimed as I just watched him get up and walk over to Pidge.

"Dammit." I whispered to my self as I looked back to Shiro and Keith laying be each other.

"Okay I got this!" I whispered to myself again as I got up and started to walk to them.

"Hey Lance." Shiro said as he saw me coming up to them.

"Hey." I replied as I stopped in front of them.

"Did you need something?" Keith asked as he looked at me with my blanket.

"I wanted to know if you guys still wanted me to lay with you because Hunk decided to go lay with Pidge." I asked as I looked down to my feet.

"Yeah it's fine." Shiro replied as he smiled at me.

"Yeah!" Keith agreed as he moved over to let me sit down between them.

"Okay." I said as I walked to the middle of them and sat down with my blue fluffy blanket around me.

"So, how have you been these past few days?" Shiro asked as he looked at me with his sweet smile.

"I've been good these days because it is so calm but it's feels strange as well." I replied as I looked at Keith when he shifted to lay closer to me.

"What have you been doing lately because we haven't seen you around lately?" Keith said as he laid down.

"Just been lazing around my room." I said as I laid down as well.

"Really then why don't you hang with us when you are bored." Shiro said as he followed Keith and I.

"Really?" I asked as I look at Shiro staring at me.

"Yeah." Keith said as he grabbed my hand.

'What's going on? Why do they want to hang out with me?' I thought as a blush came to my cheeks.

"I-" I was about to say something before I was cut off.

"Okay team what kind of galaxy should we look at?" Allura asked as she looked at all of us.

"The Milky Way." I said as fast as I could when I shot up to sit.

"Yeah!" Everyone else said as they all agreed with me.

"Okay then," Coran said as he laid beside Allura when she laid down. "Why don't you guess put in the destination so we know what your galaxy looks like."

"We'll do it." Pidge replied as Hunk and her got up to go to the controls fro the star gazing room.

"This is going to be cool to looked at our home planets stars." I said as I just layed back down between Shiro and Keith.

"Yeah it will be." They both said at the same time.

~Tiny Time Skip~

Everyone fell asleep from all the tiredness from training sessions as I look at the stars. I wasn't sure why I wasn't tired like them, I mean I am laying beside my crushes but that isn't it. The only thing keeping me awake is that I feel like something is going to happen and I don't know what.

'I wonder if I should just tell them I like them both?' I thought as I looked at both Shiro and Keith with a smile.

"Mmm!" I exhaled as I felt it.

'No, no, not now!' I thought as I got up from getting to hot.

I felt the heat wave wash over me as I struggled to get up to go to my room away from the alphas in this room. Each step I took was weak because my body was hot from my heat.

"Hah, hah, hah!" I gasped as I got outside the room and held myself up from gripping the wall so I don't fall down.

"Hah, I, hah, have to, hah, get to, hah, my room!" I gasped as I started to walk through the halls.

'I can make it.' I thought as I got farther away from the star gazing room.

"Hah, I can't, hah!" I gasped as I fell to the floor at the end of the hall with my bedroom door just down the hallway.

"It's so hot, hah." I said as I grabbed my shirt on my chest.

As I tried to calm down from the heat I smelt a scent that was addictive with each breath I took. It smelt like the forest with beautiful pine trees and it also smelt like a meadow of flowers.

"L-lance!" I heard a voice I knew all to well.

"A-are you alright?" Said Keith as I looked back only to see both of the alpha's that I liked.

"Are you an omega?" Shiro asked as Keith and him both held their hands to their mouth.

'It's hot, I want an alpha.' I thought as I just stared at them and saw that their eyes started to cloud over from my heat.

"Alpha, hah." I gasped as I saw them start to walk closer to me.

~ Author's Note ~

What do you think?

And again.

Please vote or comment if you liked the chapter or if I made a mistake.

Anyway's, sorry for the really late update but from the comments of chapter one made me happy that people like my version of most stories so far.🥰

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