5 - Heat makes Rut

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'Ugh, how'd we get here from this morning?' I thought as I heard Keith come in with what I asked.

Now in Ch. 5

Warning Smut In Chapter

Shiro's P.O.V.

"I have what you asked for!" Keith said as he came up to the bed that Lance was on.

"Here, let's just surround Lance with our blankets and leave before we lose control." I said as I grabbed some blankets and shirts with our scent and surrounded Lance as he started to grab some of them to hold.

"Alpha please!" Lance said as he hugged what he can to get our scents.

"You smell so good." Keith said as he leaned in to get his scent that was coming off in waves.

"Keith we should leave." I said as I grabbed his arm to pull him back.

"Can't we stay and help him?" Keith asked as I looked at his eyes and saw that they were starting to cloud over with a rut as I know that I am as well.

"Now" I growled as as I dragged out Keith closing the door behind us.

"I want to go back to him!" Keith said as he tried to move back to the door.

"No," I replied as I held on stronger. "We are going to our room so I can fuck you."

'I need to distract ourselves, so we don't try to claim Lance when he is not in his right mind.' I thought as I pulled him towards me; so our bodies were close.

"Ooh," Keith replied as he put his arms around me to give me a kiss that I welcomed. "Alpha let's go have some fun in our room then."

'Why is he so straight forward right now? I can barely keep control of my early rut.' I thought as he started making hickeys on my neck.

"You are going to be begging me to stop since you want to be all seductive." I said as I picked him up as his legs wrapped around my hips.

"Please fuck me hard and fast alpha!" Keith said as he grind down on my growing reaction.

"Grr!" I growled as I walked towards our combined room. "I can't wait to hear you beg."

"Alpha," He whispered in my ear as we turned a corner getting farther away from our omega and closer to our room. "I can't wait to have you deep inside me as you cum."

"Fuck!" I growled as I nipped at his exposed neck. "You're not going to be walking tomorrow."

"I hope so!" he replied as he snipped my ear knowing it gets me excited. "Faster alpha."

"I'll give you what you want." I said as I smashed my lips to him giving him a harsh kiss full of lust and walking through our door. "I'll have you broken under me as I knot you. Pumping your insides full of my cum."

"Fuck yes." Keith replied as he exposed his neck for my access.

"You're mine baby." I growled as I grind my dick against his ass, closing our door and locking it as I walk to our clear bed. "and I am not letting you go any time soon."

"Please give me more." Keith gasped as I put him down on the bed taking off my shirt.

"Off!" I demanded as I start to take off my pants.

"Yes sir." He said as he undress himself.

'Fuck I can't wait to be deep inside him.Still can't believe his alpha is so submissive towards me.' I thought as I threw my pants to the side and reached for the lube in our side table draw.

"Alpha please!" Keith said as he threw his pants to the side as well.

"Grr!" I growled as he moved but smiled once I saw that he was presenting himself.

"Ahh," Keith gasped as I poured some lube on his hole. "Cold!"

'I need to start slow. I don't want to hurt him like last time.' I thought as I grazed my finger around his hole spreading the lube around it.

"It's okay we're going to start slow and build up to it okay baby." I said as I slowly inserted my pointer finger in.

"Ahh o-okay a-al-pha ha!" Keith moaned as I moved at the right angle to hit his good spot.

'Fuck I forgot how much I love to stretch him out.' I thought as I growled at his whines when I added a second finger.

"F-ahh-faster plweese ahh!" Keith moaned as I already had three fingers inside stretching him to add another.

"Remember," I said as I stretched him with all four fingers deep inside him. "Patience!"

"Plwease!" Keith begged as he wined and panted.

'Fuck it!' I thought as I took my fingers and grabbed the lube to cover my aching cock.

"W-ha, no please come back inside." Keith begged as he used his hands to spread his cheeks for more access.

"Just let me get myself ready!" I said as covered my dick and put more on his gaping hole.

"Aahhh!" Keith said as I put my member at his entrance.

"Ready baby?" I asked as I held my cock at his hole and had his hip with my other hand.

"Yes," Keith gasped as he still held his ass wide open for the taking. "Please!"

'Fuck I love hearing him beg!' I thought as I slowly pushed in.

"Unn..." Keith wines as I pushed slowly in when I know he likes it rough and fast. "F-faster plweease!"

"Tonight we are going to take it nice and slow," I replied as I finally bottomed out. "Okay baby!"

'Fuck he's so tight!' I thought as I pulled out and fucked him in a slow pace.

"Ahh hah hah!" He gasped as I kept the pace the same but with him trying to push himself back faster even when I have his hips in my hands keeping him still. "Please, please move faster?"


Author's Note:

Should I continue in Keith's POV
Or continue in Shiros or skip to when they wake up the next morning????

Hope you like the update🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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