Ch3 - Rewind

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Previously in Ch. 2

"Alpha, hah." Lance gasped as we walk towards him.

Now in Ch. 3

Shiro's P.O.V.

'He smells so good.' I thought as Keith and I started to walk up to him.

"Lance," Keith said as we were now standing in from t of him. "Can we help!"

"Wait," I whispered in Keith's ear as I pulled him back. "Go to our room and grab our blankets and clothes."

"O-hah-kay!" Keith replied as he took a few steps back and started walking to our room.

"Alpha!" Lance gasped as he held himself tighter as his scent got stronger.

"Sorry Lance!" I said as I quickly grabbed him and walked to his room.

'He smells like the ocean.' I thought as I laid him on his bed.

"It hurts alpha!" Lance gasped as he curled up in a ball on his bed.

'Ugh, how'd we get here from this morning?' I thought as I heard Keith come in with what I asked.

~Rewind to Morning~

"We should tell Lance how we feel!" Keith said as we walked out of our room.

"Yeah," I began as we were only around the corner to Lances room. "But if he refuses us than there is nothing we can do!"

(This is where Lance starts singing.)

'His voice is amazing !' I thought as we watched Hunk come into view.

"What do you think that song was about?" Keith whispered as we watched Lance run to hug Hunk.

"I-I don't know but his voice is amazing!" I whispered back as we both smiled in agreement.

"Let's tell him our feelings tonight!" Keith whispered as we watched Lance talk with Hunk.

"Yeah," I agreed in a whisper. "Let's tell him tonight."

'I hope he accepts us!' I thought as we saw Lance turn around to see what Hunk has been looking at.

"Hey leader, mullet." Lance said as he saw us and turned back around to talk more with Hunk.

"I just hope he accepts us." Keith said as he grabbed my hand.

"So do I." I said as I held his hand tighter.

'That would be the happiest day of my life is Lance excepts us.' I thought as I walked into the training room.

"What's our training session for today princess." I asked as Keith and I was behind Lance and Hunk.

"Well I called you all here so we can do a bonding exercise and I believe it will bring the team closer." Allura said as she was smiling at us.

"What kind of bonding exercise?" Lance asked.

"Well tonight we will all spend the night in the stargazing room as a sleepover." Allura replied.

"Really?" Lance asked surprised.

"Yes so no exceptions, so we all head to the stargazing room after dinner." Allura said as she walked out of the training room.

'It would be nice to see our constellations again.' I thought as I smiled at Keith.

"Well anyway, Hunk I want to try your chocolate chip cookies so let's hurry." Lance said as he rushed Hunk.

"Alright then you can be my taste tester." Hunk said as he smiled at Lance.

"Can we join the cookie testing?" I asked as me and Keith both waited for their reply.

"Yeah," Hunk replied as he looked back at me. "The more the merrier."

"Yeah," Lance said as he smiled at us. "It will be totally awesome."

"Good," I said as I grabbed Keith's hand to bring him inside. "Then it's decided."

~Short Time Skip~

(Ps. the cookies were a success and Hunk is baking more for the team activity.)

Keith an I are heading to Lance's room to walk together to the star gazing room. We were holding hands as we made it to Lance's room and saw him heading to open his door. However Keith went up ahead and grabbed his shoulder, but when he did Lance was startled and grabbed ahold of Keith and put him in a hold. 

"Jesus Christ," Lance said as he let Keith go. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," Keith said as he moved his arm to get the pain to go away. "I should of called out to you."

"Yeah, it was our fault that we didn't call you." I said as I checked on Keith.

"It's alright," Lance said as he put his hands on his hips. "Now what can I help you with?"

"Well we wanted to know if you are actually going to be at the training exercise tonight?" Keith asked as he looked back at Lance with a questioning look.

"Yeah," Lance said as he turned around to go to his room. "Why would I miss the chance to munch out on Hunk's chocolate chip cookies."

"Okay then we will see you there." I said as I patted Keith's shoulder.

"See ya there." Lance replied as he continued to his room.

"Let's go and get our pajamas and our softest blankets okay?" I asked Keith as I now had his had in mine.

"Yeah, okay!" He replied as we started to walk back to our room.

(Short Time Skip - Keith and Shiro are ready and waiting outside Lance's room)

"Hey," Lance said as he closed his door behind him. "Are you waiting for me?"

"Uh," Keith started to say. "Yeah we wanted to make sure you weren't going to be late."

"O-Kay!" Lance said as he started to walk down the hall to the star gazing room.

"Come on Keith." I whispered as started to walk behind Lance.

"Hey," I said as I started to catch up to Lance. "Wait up we'll walk with you."

"Okay." Lance said as he stopped to wait for us.

"So why are you wearing shorts and a tang top and where did you even get them?" Keith asked as looked Lance up and down with this look on his eyes that I understand.

"They are comfy and I got them at the space mall with this blanket." Lance replied as he just looked in front of himself.

"Well you look nice." I said as I looked Lance up and down with the same look in my eyes as Keith.

~Author's Note~

Hello! I am so thankful of all the comments even thought its not much but it makes me happy you liked my book so far.

Anyhow, how did you like this chapter so far? Also wanted to know if I am making any mistakes or my writing is confusing just so I can wright better.

Again thank you so much for the votes and comments.

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