The silence never breaks...

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In the morning ,I woke up to Rosie getting ready for the day. I jumped out my bed and said, "What time is it!?"
Rosie replied "6:59"
I screamed "What! And you did not try and wake me up!"
"Chill its saturday!" Rosie said.
"Yeah 'oops'." Rosie laughed.
I jumped up and got into my casual wear, I put my hair into another neat pleat and walked out with Rosie, talking while getting angry stares.
Im pretty sure we were the most hated kids in the school. We got to our seat in the food hall and ate our full english breakfasts. Then a counciler came up to us and gave us 2 laptops and mouses. Me and Rosie said thanks then finished our food then went to our dorm.

I was still very curious of the name and tried to go on google translate, But It was blocked ,they probarly knew we would do that.
Then I knew I had to break a rule.

At 10:30 I snuck out of my dorm, 30 minutes after lights out.
I walked silently with my dim candle in a lantern. I walked through the coridoor, dodging adults i saw upfront by blowing out my lanern and staying out of their light.
Then I got there.
It was the library, I ran into the doors that somehow weren't locked and walked around until I saw,
I hesitantly walked in to see a massive library and signs telling what books were there.
I lit my candle and walked to the schools history section and picked the first book on the shelf.
I opened the book and read the first page.

Silentio nusquam frangit- Silence never breaks: history of school.

Opened in 1939, ranked strictest school in the district.
School commonly known for silence and strict punishments, Its silence rule has gotten so spoken about that they had to move the school to an iosolated place in the woods, forcing them to make it a boarding school.

*Record of students history and future.
*School haunted by demons in the form of councilers and workers.
*A cult.
*Hypnotises parents to make children go to their school.
*Forces all students to look the same.

The school is commonly known for their motto and name, silentio nusquam frangit also translating to - Silence never breaks.

I was shocked.
"wait....They know our future!?" I thought.
I tiptoed over to the student section to see that it was all true, They did have our pasts and history and deepest darkest secrets!
I looked around and saw a book called
"Rosie brooke"
It was Rosies book! I picked it up and then walked along and saw,
"Amelie Perks"
I picked that up too (obviously) and sat at a table and read them.
It had everything about us and how we met to becoming friends.
then I read Rosies future.

Rosie will grow to be a seamstress and the wife of a tailor commonly known as James Hopkins. She has 2 beautiful children, Anabelle and Micheal. Rosie is very wealthy and silently passes away at the age of 89 in her sleep. Her funeral was attended by her loving children and her best friend Amelie Perks.

Woah...She has a nice future ahead of her! Now lets read mine!

Amelie perks will grow to be an amazing actress and mathemetician! She meets her husband Luke Banks who is a famous scientist at the age of 23, she has 3 talented and smart kids, Tom, Aubrey and Rosalie. Amelie is wealthy and silently passes away at the age of 91. Her funeral was attended by her children and many co-workers.

Just as I was about to smile at how nice my life was going to be I heard a voice coming from a room near me.
"May this meeting commense!"
I quickly put the books back where I found them, blew out my candle and listened in.
"We are gathered here to discuss the student, Amelie Perks!" the old woman who dyed my hair said.
What!? They are talking about me!
"This student has gotten very good grades so far and even the special speak pass. We have to eliminate her within 10 days."
I screamed on accident.
Everyones attention turned to the door, "If any student is behind that door, I advise you to show yourself so we can vote on your punishment."
she said angrily.
All I remember then is that I ran for my life.
I ran through my dorm door and locked it, I quickly put on my pyjamas and did my hair and hopped into bed and pretended to be asleep.
10 minutes later someone unlocked the door and "woke me up".
It was a counciler and she advised me to follow her.
As I followed her, dreading the punishment that waits before me until she pulled me into a classroom and said,
" Pack your things and get your friend from your dorm, Ill let you out and give you a food and water supply and things that you need, And then run away, Dont go back to your parents. Go back to your old school and give them this note. Quickly now!"
I nodded and ran back to my dorm to wake rosie and told her to pack. We packed and were given extra bags.
The lady unlocked the gate and said, "Run or you will die in 10 days! it is not safe here! Run!"
She waved us goodbye as we ran away into the woods.

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