silentio nusquam frangit...

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It was 4 A.M and I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep after I went to bed at 9:30. Rosie was fast asleep, after 30 minutes of tossing and turning I finally decided to grab my novel and read a chapter quickly. I picked it up and realised I couldn't see the words and alighted my candle quietly. Until I noticed that all the words in the book were gone exept one small sentence saying 'Please read rules on the back.' I quickly turned over the book to see that another rule was. "NO READING BOOKS BETWEEN 10 P.M AND 6 A.M"
"Of course" I sighed. I blew out my candle and turned back over in bed to atleast try and sleep again. I woke up to a hard smaking on my door and someone quietly saying,
"Wake up."
Me and Rosie got out of bed and got dressed in our school uniform, I did my hair in a very neat side pleat and Rosie did so too. I packed my sholder bag with heavy books and my pencil case. I said just before we left our room, "Have a good day!"
"You too..." Rosie replied and left silently.
I walked through once dark, lit up hallway and walked into the hall to eat Breakfast. The big hall actually had lights but very dim ones, the room was silent exept from some councilers talking to eachother while laughing. I grabbed a tray and lined up for food, I got to the front of the line and they served me... Gruel!? I made a curious face to the lunch lady as why I had gruel and everyone else had proper meals and she silently pointed to a chart. The chart read,
"Food purposes
First week- Gruel.
Second week- Porridge.
Third week- Cerial.
Fourth week- 2 Strips of bacon.
Any longer- bacon, eggs, beans.
I ghasped silently and stomped away with my gruel to sit at a chair next to Rosie, I waved and she slowly waved back. We all ate in silence till the bell rung for class. I placed my tray in the place everyone else was putting them, snatched my bag and walked away. I was hoping for the classroom to be like my old one back at home; bright colours, drawings all over the walls and desks painted with flowers... but that was not the case.

The classroom had dark wood tables and chairs equally seperated from eachother, the walls were a dark beige and only had one thing on them. "silentio nusquam frangit." The front of the class had a wooden chalkboard and the teachers desk was bland as ever. I sat down in a seat closest to the back and waited for the teacher. about 4 minutes later, a particually old woman with a black dress that touched the ground and black glasses walked to the front of the classroom. I quickly realised everybody else was standing so I quickly stood up, relieved that she didn't notice.
She gave everybody a leer while squinting her eyes, she stared around then looked at me and snapped, "You there!" I pointed at myself, staying silent.
"Yes, you! Are you the new student?" she said formally.
I nodded in response.
"Come write your name on the board."
I walked quickly to the board and picked up a peice of chalk and wrote, 'Amelie Perks'
"Well Miss Perks. Please head back to your seat and grab the mini chalkboard located in your desk."
As I got back to my seat I popped the desk open and grabbed the small chalkboard and chalk.
"You may all sit down." she snapped.
The whole class sat down including me.
She wrote on the board some hard maths equasions,
"If anyone can write the answer to all of these, They may get 2 speak passes for the rest of the week, one for you and your friend." she said with a smile.
I quickly volenteered and she nodded at me to come to the front and write them all.
From the back of the classroom they looked hard to me, but at the front they looked easier.
"6 to the power of 0
= 1."
"The value of E
= 2.718"
so far so easy.
"The number 0 in roman numerals."
I knew this is a trick question, I looked at the teacher and saw a massive evil grin form across her face. I grinned back and wrote,
"There isn't one."
A shocked look formed on her face and she stuttered,
"All correct.."
She quickly handed me the landyards that said, 'speak pass, lengh 1 week.' and she stormed out the classroom and down the hall.
I placed it on and said to the class,
"What was that all about?"
One of them wrote 'Those are the hardest things to get in the school. only 9 people have ever got it.'
I smiled and walked back to my seat placing the other pass in my blazer.
5 minutes later, the teacher walked back in and carried on teaching.

The rest of the day was pretty normal exept getting glares from others and being the only kid allowed to speak.

At the end of the day I rushed in my dorm and took off my shoes, A counciler walked in and gave me a key for my room.
"People will try to rob you, breaking the rules, only let your roomate in." and she left.
a couple of minutes later, Rosie opened the door, shut it and said,
"lock it quick."
I locked the door then reached into my blazer and handed Rosie the other lanyard.
"Here! A gift from me for being so welcoming!"
She ghasped and hugged me and said thank you over and over, I told her she was welcome and smiled while she happily went to change into her casual wear and I did so too. I unlocked the door and we talked all the way to the hall with our landyards on.
As we walked in we got stares from everyone including the teachers, we laughed and went to get dinner.
Turns out the pass gets you way more then just talking, It also gets you good meals and an actual light in your room for the length of the pass.
Me and Rosie went to sleep very happy that night.

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