The Decision

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"What's the situation, Arx?" Bruenor asked away, taking a step above the doorstep, entering the throne room. "I'd lie to you if I were to say I saw this coming, but..." the king began, nervous and unsure "Axea is our enemy now" he decided to cut to the point. The room fell silent, both Bruenor and Rem were visibly shocked, Max and Teanor seemed to be delving deep into their thoughts about what they had just heard, Kantos, as always, was hard to read. "She has been, presumably, for a while now" the king picked up "she's been plotting and doing things behind my back—terrible things" Arluexor frowned and went silent once again, perhaps waiting for the party to say something—anything.
They didn't. Instead, the team, going by the name of Arx's Army, closed the door behind them and formed a circle with the king, to better discuss the matter at hand. "What are we to do, my liege?" the wood elf spoke at once. "I–I don't know...we, you, should maybe–" the king started stuttering and tripping over his words when Maximilian interrupted; "He wants us to kill her, Teanor", the room fell silent for the third time, and a distant tapping arose, it was the tapping of heeled shoes.

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