chapter 15 ("why Katsuki.. why")

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3rd readers pov

It's been a few weeks since Katsuki met shoto, Katsuki hasn't been doing good, he doesn't eat anymore, he stays in his room, he doesn't talk to anyone not even dabi.

He doesn't want to talk about it to anyone.. he doesn't want to be a burden to them. Katsuki has being cutting, pulling his hair, having a lot of panic attacks in his room.

Well if you are wondering why dabi doesn't know is cause Katsuki moved to a spare room near the basement so no one can hear him.

Katsuki's now on his way to the drug store and try commit suicide again cause the last time he tried it never worked, ok so now his walking to the store, he saw a cliff and just sat there looking at the view of Tokyo.

♡Katsuki Bakugou pov♡

".... why am I acting like this? I didn't was to be like this.. I want to be different and normal"

As he was looking into the city he couldn't stop the tears from falling from his face.

"W-why me..."
He asked himself quietly

" i don't want to be here.. I want to go I don't want so suffer anymore, but what about dabi and the rest?? Will they hate me? Will they be happy that I am gone? Maybe they will be happier without me.. ya ya I think they will be fine..."

Dabis pov

Katsuki's been off lately.. it seems like the meet with shoto didn't go well, he even moved to the other room near the  basement, he doesn't eat anymore nor even talk to us.. we miss the old him.. I miss my old Katsuki Bakugou.

Now while toga was trying to make a face mask because my skin isn't 'healthy', Katsuki said that he was going out to the store again.. this was his forth time this week

Well I knew something wrong was going to happen I just feel it. So after I washed my face I started following Katsuki to where ever his going to.

Now I am behind him and it seems like he wanted to go to the drug store but he saw a cliff and sat by the tip of it. I hear mumbles from him and it seems like he was talking to himself while crying.. I wish I could just hug him and tell him everything's going to be ok.

' Katsuki baby... I wish you can tell me what's wrong... why are you hiding?'
I ask myself

1 hour later

3rd persons pov

Dabi still hiding behind a tree while Katsuki's still sitting on the tip of the cliff.

Katsuki stands up and turns around, tears flooding.
"Touya.. I am sorry"
He says before falling back words into the river

dabi shouted trying to catch up to him, while his running to the bottom of the cliff he calls the rest of the gang to help him.

It took  dabi a really long time to find Katsuki.
Katsuki's head is now bleeding and his breathe is slow and long
" Katsuki stay with me come on i know you are strong... please stay.. I will miss you.. please stay... come come on Shigaraki where are you guys?"

As Touya tries to stop the bleeding a portal come next to him.

" shit dabi what the hell happend?" Shigaraki asked panicking " Shigaraki it's not a good time.. I will tell you later shit guys help me his dying"
" shit... lil bro why did you do this?" Toga asked while trying would pick up Katsuki and put him into the portal

" ok dabi... help me take him to our hospital bed in the private room"
Kirrigiri said

A little while later

Kirrigiri comes out of the room and reports us about Katsuki.

"Ok I have made kats breathing and heart rate a little but he needs some blood.. ok toga can you please get blood that's b- we need it fast before he dies"
"OK " Toga says as she transform into a nurse
" ok.. dabi I need you to stay by his side if hes body may have a shock in his coma"
"OK... wait did you say coma?"
"Oh ya I forgot to tell you guys that he is in a coma due to him hitting his head severely"
"Oh... ok well you don't need to tell me twice about looking after him"

Dabis pov

Sitting on the chair next to kats bed watching him incase something bad happens.. Katsuki.. I miss you I wish I saved you in time.

"Why Katsuki.. why?"

Ya I know this chapter is short... but... I did it 😅

Well sorry for not updating... my WiFis being bad and other shits.. but I have exams soon so I won't be updating... heheh


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