Negara Varunai Overview

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Map of Negara Varunai 

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Map of Negara Varunai 

Capital: Kota Varun

Population: 213 Million

Total Area: 752, 236 km2 (290,440 square miles)

GDP: $3.58 trillion


Negara Varunai is a sovereign island nation comprising of the entire Suvarna island continent and the Seludong Archipelago that is divided into thirteen provinsi (provinces). It is located in south-western region of Nashira known as the Nusantara region, Varunai share maritime borders with the Maharlika Commonwealth in the East and the Muang Confederation in the North-West. All three countries shares centuries-long of maritime trading among each other. However, they are now divided due to world politics since they each possess overseas military bases from rival superpowers.

Negara Varunai is a Unitary Dominant-Party Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. While elections exist within the nation, the government has a significant control over politics and society under the Parti Rakyat Negara (PRN), the party has continuously ruled over the nation since independence with popular support among the people and the royalty. The Sultan of Negara Varunai is the Head of State and the Prime Minister is the Head of Government. The Prime Minister is aided by four Coordinating Ministries (nicknamed 'Wazirs' 'Viziers'), each coordinating ministries are in charge of planning and policy coordination of various ministries that are related to the affairs they are assigned.


- Tajuddin Alam Nasruddin (1953 - 1966)

- Momin Jamalul Tajuddin (1966 - 2029)

- Akhazul Hakkar Momin (2029 - present)

Prime Ministers

- Yunus Mansor Razali (1953 - 1957) (Father of Independence)

- Abdul Idris Sulaiman (1957 - 1968) (Father of Development)

- Daud Hassan Azwan (1968 - 1986) (Father of Unification)

- Hasmi Ghazali Bakar (1986 - 1999) (Father of Industrialization)

- Zaleha Samdin Sharif (1999 - 2013) (Mother of Modernization)

- Heng Luo Min (2013 - 2025) (Father of Globalization)

- Yassin Zaidi Noor (2025 - present) (Father of Transformation)


The Varunaian National Military (VNM) is the unified military forces of Negara Varunai established at the beginning of the National Revolution of 1953. It has an estimated strength over 500,000 active personnel with an addition of 1,200,000 reserve personnel. The Sultan of Negara Varunai is the Supreme Commander of the Varunaian National Military.

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