Chapter 15

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“What?” I shockingly asked,

“Don’t tell him that you know, about the pregnancy and the sex scene,”

“Why?” I asked

“Let me investigate this pregnancy, something is off with that girl. I’m sorry that you had to witness your husband having sex with that kind of person but if she wants to play, then I’m more than welcome to partake in her game-”

“Chris…” I said before changing my facial expression to worry, “Do not hurt her… or the baby,”

He giggled and moved towards me, “I won’t… I promise,” he said trying to assure me but we both knew he might lie about hurting her and the baby.

“By the way, is she not your investor's daughter?” he asked

“Its very unfortunate that she is. I didn’t know that Mr. Hsiao had any daughters, only a handful of people knew about them. It didn’t really matter to me as I was only focused on him being my investor, one would swear I was desperate to get this restaurant that I sealed a deal with a person associated with someone who practically ruined my marriage-”

“Yet… its not yet ruined,” he said

“Well… for me it is, the moment Bo Xiang let that woman in our lives, was the moment he ruined our marriage,”

“Well you can’t blame him. it’s was only a matter of time before she was invited in, just that your husband did it before you could,” I looked at him giving him the ‘what the actual fuck look’ ‘_’,

“Think about it, it was going to be him, which already is or you,” he said pointing at me. “I know people like her, once they want something they always make sure that they do anything to get it and never let it go. Go back to the hotel and turn a blind eye; I will fly back to Taiwan later on today. Already booked a ticket, I will investigate the pregnancy and let you know within a week,”

“What if the child is indeed his?” I asked in a sad voice

“Let us cross that bridge when we get there, for now… let’s just pretend that we don’t know. And if anything happens just know that I will be here for you, okay?” he said opening his arms wide inviting me for a hug,

“As always,” I responded as I hugged him tight,

“Let’s finish this up I need to come back here later,”

We began clearing the tables again and swept the floor and mopped. We washed the dishes and placed everything in its place, “It’s almost six am, you need to go rest I’ll finish up and lock when I’m done,” Chris said, handing me my jacket and side bag. I tried arguing with him to let me stay for just a bit avoiding to go back to the hotel and face Bo Xiang but he overpowered me with his words and shoved me out of the door, for a split second it felt like I was someone trespassing inside someone else's property

“Pretend… okay? I’ll call you before I leave and when I land in Taiwan,” he said before slamming the door on my face. I hailed a cab and went to the hotel; I felt the elevator moving faster than usual. I prayed for it to move like a tortoise but it decided to not obey to my prayer. *Ding* the elevator doors opened and there he was, amazed to see me standing there, “Where have you been?” he asked as he went in for a hug, “I was worried about you,”

The elevator was closing and he stopped the doors using his foot, he walked out holding my hand and we made our way to our hotel room. “Where were you? Were you with that Chris guy?” he asked closing the hotel room door behind me, I didn’t answer and walked towards the bathroom, “Zhi Gang, I asked you a question,”

“And I am not answering,” I said looking at him with anger, “Now I do not want to fight or argue, can I please take a shower and sleep? I am tired. Someone left in the middle of the night and I had to help my employees tidy the restaurant as I sent them home to rest. The restaurant will be opened again later,” I said before walking in and shutting the door behind me. I was drained; I had no energy left in me none whatsoever. I opened the water in the bathtub and I got in, it was a perfect combination of cold and hot water. I added some bath salt to help relax my body and I closed my eyes and drifted away


Bo Xiang walked all the way to the restaurant with his mind full of Jiga-Ling and the image of her being
pregnant. He arrived at the restaurant and saw a figure inside, “What the hell,” he said before opening the door and barging in. “What are you doing here? Who let you in?” he asked.

“Good morning to you too Mr. Sun, I am doing just fine thank you for asking. As you can see, I am wiping
the bar, I am almost done and the question shouldn’t be ‘Who let me in’ but who left you behind,” Chris replied

“Why would he leave you behind after what you did to him? Why are you glued to him lately? What do you want from him?”

“One,” he began counting using his fingers, “Someone decided to leave him alone last night, two… He called me not the other way around so It’s best if you asked him and thirdly, I do not want anything,”

“Lies! That is what you said the last time-”

“I am not done…” Chris said moving away from the bar and walking closer to him, “one and a half, I know what I did to him. He knows and I know, hell! Everyone knows and everyone knows, especially him… that I will never do it again-”

“The second time-”

“The second time Mr. Sun… it wasn't me. We all know that but you choose to be ignorant and not see that. It was my former partner,”

“Who you sent,”

“I don’t have time for this,” Chris said while taking off the apron and throwing it on top of the table, “For that Mr. Sun, for that…. I WILL MAKE SURE YOU REGRET PLAYING With HIS FEELINGS,” he shouted and walked out of the restaurant, leaving Bo Xiang alone… displeased.

[Jiga-Ling is a bitch... I know and I don't know why but I just love her 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂]

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