Chapter 21

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"What did I tell you?" he averted his gaze to Chris and let out a light chuckled

"Wait what do you mean?" Bo Xiang looked at him in confusion

"I know,"

"what do you mean by you know?"

"he means exactly that, he knows," Chris answered, "he knows about the pregnan-"

"I know about the sex, I know about the pregnancy.. I just didn't think that the DNA would confirm that it is your child," Zhi Gang said in disappointment

"what? how? when did you find out about this?"

"I was there,"

"what do you mean you were there?"

"I was there when you guys..." he looked at Bo Xiang in disgust, "did it"

Bo Xiang was confusingly shocked, he didn't know what to say or do. He opened his mouth to speak but didn't say anything, "he means he saw the whole thing? When I was busy fucking her?" as he was busy thinking, his husband made him snap out of it

"the door wasn't closed... I stepped in and then I saw you guys. I watched in silence as you were busy moaning her name and your hands were busy caressing her body. I wanted to cry, oh how I wished I could cry but no tears fell down. I was angry.. No I was livid and then I saw the whole thing go down until you finally came and it was only then I managed to get out of that hotel room. I was hurt, heartbroken and a few days after that I was acting weird but you didn't even notice that. I decided to turn a blind eye, I blamed it on the alcohol because they told me that you were drunk but a few months later worst of it all, at the grand opening.. She came with her pregnant belly and told me that you were the father of her baby, " he let out a long painful sigh

"Congratulations.. You finally got what you wanted right?"

"It's not like that-"

"it's not like what?"

"I didn't do it willingly okay? I was drunk and drugged," both Chris and Zhi Gang's faces showed expression of shock

"what do you mean drugged?" Chris asked

Bo Xiang looked at him, "I thought you left," he paused, "do you mind leaving?"

"He stays.. He's already seen our dirty laundry... Well yours and it's only a matter of time until the whole world knows so explain. Right now,"

He looked disappointed and cleared his throat, "She uhm... Drugged me,"

They both gave him a weird look gesturing him to go on, "She drugged me-"

"God you already said that! Say something else!" Chris said rolling his eyes

"Give him a chance," Zhi Gang said

Bo Xiang let out a sad chuckle and buried his head, "She drugged me and forced me to sleep with her,"


"were you aware that you were drugged before you guys slept together?"

Bo Xiang nodded, "I told her to get out of my room but she used her triumph card I guess,"

"what do you mean?"

"she told me if I didn't sleep with her just once, she would have her father pull out from the investor's contract,"

"What!?" both Zhi Gang and Chris exclaimed

"She told me that her father was talking to you about the rental at that moment and called him to confirm... I thought maybe, if I sacrificed myself somehow everything would work out for you...I was wrong, I was selfish and stupid-"

"You are. And you've always been stupid and selfish, idiot!" Chris said shaking his head, "you could've said no and spoke to your husband. Have her arrested not let yourself to be easily manipulated and give in. Now you say you did it for him he will eventually think it's his fault. Now you have a baby with that snake... Really? That woman is dangerous, Jesus Christ-"

"get out... Both of you.. Leave!" Zhi Gang said

"what? What did I do wrong?" Chris asked

"Just leave," Zhi Gang shot both of them a killer stare. They both reluctantly stood up, Bo Xiang looked at him apologetically halting on his steps. Zhi Gang paid him no attention and he eventually went to grab his car keys and exited the door. Before him and Chris could walk away out of the door, he took a flower vase that was on top of the coffee table and threw it behind the door. After it smashed on the floor it was followed by a loud scream.

He attempted to open the door but Chris stopped him, "No.. Don't, let him be," Chris said. They forcefully dragged their feet away from the door and went to their cars. It was around seven in the evening and Chris went to his apartment while Bo Xiang drove around town while clearing his mind. He went back to his place and parked his car directly in front of the apartments. The position made it easy for him to look up to his apartment from his car and saw that the lights were off.

He tried calling Zhi Gang nth times and his phone went straight to voicemail. After his last fail attempt to reach him, his phone vibrated and he opened it thinking it was Zhi Gang but the message was from Chris, "He won't allow you inside, we both know that. Come sleep at my place,"

He let out a scoff and threw his phone on the passenger seat. He placed his head on the steering wheel and slept his pain away. He was woken up by a loud bang on his window. He opened his eyes to seeing the caretaker of the building, he rolled down the window and smiled at the old man, "Ni Hao," he said

"Ni Hao," the man said with a smile on his face, "are you alright?" he asked to which Bo Xiang nodded, "are you sure? Why did you sleep in your car then?"

"i came home late and I was too tired to go up so I decided to sleep here..." he lied

"does Master Zhi Gang know?"

Bo Xiang chuckled and nodded, "yes... He does,"

"okay, you should go up now," he said

"I will.. Thank you," the man let out a smile and eventually walked away.

He walked up the stairs to the firth floor and stood in front of his door, he let out a sigh and knocked. He repeated the knock for a few moments until he called out his beloved's name,"Sun Zhi Gang," he said, "Baobei please open up,"

"Go away,"

"baobei, please let's talk,"

"Go away I do not want to talk to you," he said and threw another glass at the door, "Go away," his voice sounded broken and Bo Xiang held back his tears

"okay... I'll come back later then," sobbing he left the place and drove to his cousin's house. Burging in, he found Wen Jie and his girlfriend eating breakfast, he didn't even greet them and ran straight upstairs to what used to be his old bedroom and locked himself inside

A few moments later Wen Jie knocked on the door, "Bo Xiang, what's wrong? What happened?" he asked in worry

"he won't talk to me, although I mentioned the reason why I ended up doing it. He won't talk to me,"

"look.. Open up, let's talk okay," he said

After a few attempts of asking him to open the door, Bo Xiang eventually did. With tears voluntarily falling down, Wen Jie pulled him closer and embraced him into a tight hug, "I'm sorry," that was all he could utter to his cousin

"It's over... It's over... It's over... " he kept repeating the words as he buried his face in his cousin's shoulder, "it's over,"

[Sorry for the late updates... Preparing for exams so I need to study... Started writing another story. Not a fan fiction though just a normal BxB novel.. "The Reception," hope you'll love it and show support like how you guys have been showing support with this one and Split

Love you guys]

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