Ch10 - (a) - Party

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Chapter 10

- Party

    ...It was earlier that day, before Andrew had gone to eat in the slums, but after he had woken up in the middle of the field. Andrew was in his mansion, standing before the largest closet in town. He walked in and came out many times, each time with a different, rather expensive outfit on, finally after he had made up his mind, he walked out in the very outfit he would be wearing to the restaurant.

    He grabbed a pair of scissors and went to the bathroom, he took a deap breath before finally snipping the top part of his hair, his hair remained the same over all length, but now the top portion of his hair was much shorter and naturally stood up. He took out a brand new bottle of styling gel and covered his head in it, when he was complete, his hair flew was past his eyes and the gel kept it well placed over his bruises and cuts. The hairs on the top of his head still stood up and he was pleased.

    "I have to eat!" Andrew opened the fridge, it was filled with assortments of cakes and sweets and pizzas and many other types of food that looked too expensive to find in this town. "I've collected all these foods since I bought them from the market in the neighboring town. It's been such a long time since then, the only food that's still edible is the cake... I can't eat this stuff every day can I?"

    He put on his nicest shoes, threw his dirty ones in the closet and put his wallet in his pocket. He looked up at the house at the top of the hill, even higher than Andrew's house. "Uncle, I bet he'd love to relax at my party."

    Standing at the front door of Uncle's house, Andrew knocked on the door, "Right, he usually doesn't get home till late." He pulled from his pocket a stack of invitations and placed one on the front door. "Wait? I doubt he'll even show up: Party at my place, so what? Uncle's never cared about me once." Andrew picked up the invitation, then pulled from his pocket one of the maps of the school, he pulled from his hands a pen and he turned it over to the blank side. "Boy, writing with my left hand brings back so many memories. Uncle, I know you hate me, but I don't hate you, so that's why... That's why I'm doing this for you, if you show up, then it proves you don't hate me. I sure miss my right hand." Andrew stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I did it! It might not be the neatest hand writing but at least it's readable! You see that right hand, I finally did it!" Andrew stared at his right hand with a smile. "Crap! Why am I talking to my useless hand?"

    Andrew began his walk down the hill. The note he had left read: Help me! I need you down at my place now! "That note outta get him down there, once he see's the party he'll realize I don't hate him after all, and he'll be able to relax at the party with the guests!"

    Andrew walked and walked till the sun started to set, he passed the school, it was still in session, but the bell rung soon after he passed so Andrew started to run. He went down to the grocery store and stood in front of it, the smell of freshly baked foods lingered outside. "Wait, Luke works here, he'll probably be here any minute..." Andrew left he looked around at all the restaurants, his stomach gurgled, "Hold on, there will be food soon!"

    Eventually he found him self wandering the streets of the slum town, and that's where he ate his wonderful dinner and met Suzu...

    ...The moon shined brightly that night, Andrew's tired feet paced up the brick stairs, he finally fell to his knees and looked up. The lights were shining brightly in the house. He got back to his feet, his fancy jacket and his bright and shining shoes glistened in the light through the doorway. "Look he's here!"



    There was slaughter and the sound of glass bottles. Men were smoking and women were laughing. Andrew slowly walked up the steps, hie eyes red with fatigue. "I don't recall inviting this many people..." Andrew stood looking into his own house, every room in the entire house seemed to be lit up and the loud noises were unbearable.

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