Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

I was driving in to Seattle with my windows down, basking in the cool breeze that flowed through my hair so naturally. I couldn't believe it was already time to move in. As I pulled up to my building, I was taken aback by all its beauty. It was a 32 story building covered in glass, giving it that very modern city feeling. I headed inside to the front desk and picked up my key for room 3012. With my key secured, I went back out to my car to grab a few of my things to start moving in.

It was pure chaos in the building with everyone trying to grab their keys and catch an elevator to their floor. Finally, I was able to catch the lift and was now standing in front of my new room. I saw that there was a little gift basket outside that had two shirts and UW mugs for my roommate and I. I pushed open the door and looked around at my home for the next year. There was two twin size beds along with a single bathroom and a partial kitchen. I decided to take the bed along the window, since I liked to look down at the city. As I was putting my bedding on, the door flew open and a woman with short blonde hair and brown eyes walked in. " Hey! I'm Carol and you must be Y/N right?" " Yeah it's so great to finally meet you!" " Likewise! I was thinking that after we get all stored away, we could go to a bar or something to just chat and get to know each other!" " That would be great! Especially since I need to take the edge off with school starting tomorrow."

I had just finished putting everything away in my room, so it was time to start getting ready for my evening full of fun with Carol. I decided to wear something cute but sexy at the same time cuz I was really feeling myself tonight. I put on a tight pink dress that reached a bit above mid thigh, and paired it with a gold necklace and gold rings, along with a little white wallet.

 I put on a tight pink dress that reached a bit above mid thigh, and paired it with a gold necklace and gold rings, along with a little white wallet

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I then did some neutral toned colors for my makeup and decided that my outfit was complete. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw that Carol was ready as well. " Damn Y/L, you look good as hell!" " Haha thanks, but we both do!" " Agreed! Let's go to McMenamins Six Arms!"

It seems like a lot of the other college students had the same idea because the place was packed. Me and Carol both ordered beers and began to converse about various subjects. We discovered that both of us will be International Business majors, but she's taking Italian for her language. As we continued talking and drinking through the night, both of us got a bit drunk and were just spilling the answers to anything we would be asked. I hated that I was so honest while drunk, but hey, at least I won't have to make any unwanted friends.

When me and Carol were getting ready to leave, two guys approached us with a devilish smirk on their faces. " Hey ladies," the tall brunette guy said " wanna hang out with me and buddy back at our place? I promise we'll make it worth your while." I might have been drunk but I was no where near  interested in their offer, nor was I in to guys anyways. " Sorry boys, we just wanna head home. Goodnight." Despite my clear rejection of the guy, that didn't deter him. He put his hand on my thigh and slowly rubbed up while saying, " Come on baby, just for an hour!" I was fuming at this point! I forcefully pulled his hand off my thigh and kicked him in the dick. " I said fuck off asshole!" And with that, I grabbed carols hand and we took a taxi back to our place.

" Shit Y/N, I'm so sorry that happened to you, but damn you got a nice kick!" " Thanks! That took a lot of energy out of me so I'm just going straight to bed since we have Stats at 12." I took off all my makeup and changed into pajamas, and set out some water and Advil since I knew I'd have a killer hangover in the morning.


I immediately woke up to my alarm with a headache from all the partying we did last night. I turned off my alarm and saw Carol in the same state as I was and just chuckled. " Here take a Advil and get ready for our stats class." She just groaned at me but took the pill and started getting ready as I did the same. I decided to wear some light wash jeans and a strapless yellow shirt as it was decently warm today.

 I decided to wear some light wash jeans and a strapless yellow shirt as it was decently warm today

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By the time I finished getting ready, Carol was done as well so we headed out the door at 11:40. 

We made it to class 5 minutes early and decided to sit by each other for the lesson. It was pretty boring because our professor was like 60 years old and talked at the speed of a sloth. I swear I almost dozed of twice, but I pushed through and made it to the end of the lesson. " This is going to be a nightmare of a class," I groaned as I walked out the door with Carol. " Tell me about it! I'm going to need to bring a coffee next time." I continued to talk with her for a little bit when I checked my phone and saw that it was 12:55. " SHIT! Carol I gotta go! My Russian class starts in 5 minutes!" I immediately took off in a sprint as the language block was on the complete other side of campus. Well, this is going to make a great first impression with my professor!

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