Chapter 44

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When we got back up to our apartment, she placed me on the couch and kissed my forehead. "I'm going to get you some water and you need to drink it all for me okay," she stated sweetly. I nodded my head, puckering my lips up for another kiss before she left me. Nat obliged and then walked off to the kitchen.

I heard the tap running, followed by a few clinking of ice cubes. Then, the light pattering of footsteps grew closer to me. I smiled when I saw Nat in front of me with the cold glass of water. She gently placed the glass in my hand, keeping one of her own underneath in case I dropped it.

Apparently I was more dehydrated than I thought because I chugged the whole water down in just a few sips. "Baby slow down. You're gonna get sick," she chuckled. 

Those words became reality though. I gazed at her with a sickly look, causing worry to instantly coat her face. I jumped up and sprinted to the toilet, making it just in time to throw up in the toilet. I hated vomiting because it literally violates your body. Like ugh fucking disgusting, but it does help you feel better once it's all out.

I felt Nat come up behind me and bunch my hair up so it was out of my face. She soothingly rubbed circles on my back while I continued to throw my guts up.

Eventually I stopped and slumped my body against hers. "I don't think I'll be drinking for a while," I groaned. "That's probably a good idea baby. I'll wet you a cool wash cloth to help," she grinned and kissed my forehead.

She wetted a wash cloth and placed it on my head. I smiled at her gratefully. "Can you get me my toothbrush and toothpaste to please," I questioned sweetly. "Of course baby but what for?" "One to get rid of the horrid after taste and two so I can kiss you," I grinned cheekily. "Oh my gosh I love you," she giggled and stood up to grab what I requested.

I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed, eager to get more affection from my favorite red head. "Can I pretty please have kisses and cuddled now?" I requested attaching my arms around her neck. "I suppose so baby," she grinned, picking me up by my butt, causing me to squeal.

Then, she kissed me passionately, making me smile into the kiss. After a bit, we pulled away and I just stared lovingly at her. "I love you," I muttered into the quiet atmosphere. "I love you more," she responded in the same tone.

"Onward! To the bed for cuddles," I cheered, holding my hands out like spider man. "What the hell are you doing dork," she laughed. "I'm spider man! That's your cue to move me forward so I can sling from the walls," I stated. "Oh my god you're ridiculous," she replied but nonetheless, started to move us to the bedroom while I made little noises when flicking my wrists.

"Fly little spider girl," Nat said then flung me onto the bed. I giggled as I flew through the air, even more so when my face collided with the mattress. "Also it's spider man," I stated jokingly when I resurfaced. "My sincerest apologies my love," she teased.

She crawled on the bed and I clung onto her like a koala. "Tasha," I called out quietly. "What is it baby?" I lifted my head so that my chin was resting on her sternum. "Can you braid my hair please?" Her smile brightened at my words, a soft look filling her eyes like it reminded her of something. "I would love nothing more darling."

Eagerly I sat up and crossed my legs with my back turned towards her. Nat's fingers began to rake through my hair, getting rid of any tangles. I hummed and closed my eyes, letting her do whatever she wanted.

Her braiding my hair was so relaxing I could have fell asleep. "You know, I used to braid Yelena's hair," Nat broke the silence. "That's cute. Tell me more," I hummed. "Well, when we lived in Ohio before the red room, Yelena would always whine and beg me to braid her hair. I finally caved one day and she made me do her hair from that day forward until she learned how to do it herself."

I could tell this made her really happy based on the story she just told me, so I turned around to face her. Her hands fell from my hair as I did so, causing the work she had done to fall out. "Can you braid my hair like you used to do hers then?" I asked sweetly.

Something flashed behind her eyes, a beaming smile accompanying it. "That would make me very happy," she smiled softly. "Good," I grinned, softly stroking her cheek with my thumb. She leaned into my touch, turning to kiss my palm.

I smiled and brought her in to kiss those plump lips. It was gentle and sweet, summing up this moment perfectly. "Braid time," I cheered. She chuckled and turned me around.

Once again, her fingers were threading through my hair, placing one strand over the other. She hummed a little song in Russian while her hands worked their magic. I assumed she used to sing this song to Yelena as well, which made me happy to know I had brought back good memories for her.

I was so relaxed, caught up in my own little world until a felt a kiss on my neck. I turned my head and smiled when I was met with my girlfriends beautiful green orbs. "Hi baby," she cooed. "Hi," I simply responded, nuzzling our noses together.

"Thank you for giving me so much joy this evening my love," Nat said, resting her forehead against mine. "I'm glad I could help you Tasha even if it started with me throwing up," I teased. She laughed while playing with the baby hairs that rested at the nape of my neck. "I love every moment spent with you. Whether it's good or bad. I just want to be with you," she spoke truthfully.

God I love this women. She knows how to speak so eloquently and put a smile on my face no matter the circumstances. "I love you with all my heart Tasha. You own it. I can't think of anyone better to guard it."

She didn't say anything instead, she brought me in for a searing kiss. Our mouths molded together perfectly, tongues dancing in perfect tune. "Lets go to bed and cuddle baby," she said once we pulled apart. "Ok Tasha," I smiled, snuggling into her warm body.


MoM coming out this week woo!! This movie has such a hold over me. I literally drop everything I'm doing when I hear the trailer come on the TV.

Everyone be careful of spoilers. I'll be ditching Tik Tok starting today. So sad and such a struggle tbh.

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