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A/n- well high/Hii so I am here to provide some important info so

Alpha- leader of a certain pack(group)of wolves. They are alpha by there blood.

A alpha king- a chosen person/wolf/alpha  with ultimate abilities , who is head of all alphas and rules over everyone.

Rouge- a Mateless wolf who is mated to someone else's mate. (Like a third wheel)

Rouge wolf pack- a certain group of wolf who don't have mates or mated to someone else's mate. and feed up on innocent wolfs.

Witch- womens having magical powers and like in simple language a part of magical world.

Wizard- like witch's opposite sex/gender. Have less powers than witches but can heal and kill both.

Elphs - have u ever seen tiny humans in cartoon and movies who r nearly of our pinky fingers or can be bigger than us too. Like umm........tiny humans having power to control nature. These type of creatures are sometimes dangerous too but can be friendly.

Moon goddesses'story


practically moon goddess was created by all the Gods to make it balance of nature. As Erebus the god of darkness and sorrow try to take over the world.

She fell in love with a werewolf and later they married and moon goddess was pregnant with there first child. But Erebus attacked them and kill goddess's mate and halfheartedly the goddess had to transfer her child to other women's says that after there daughter/son became adult, they  take revenge of there parents death. And lived happily with there own mates ( the daughter or son of goddess and alpha wolf).

And some people say that she the moon goddess was a princess in the previous life and fall in love with a mair wolf
(not a werewolf but a animal kinda and alpha one)

.....but she Was already engaged. After her fiance find out about the wolf. He killed him in front of moon goddess. She couldn't take it and died. Gods pity her and knowing she is a pure and brave soul, they keep her soul alive and named her as moon goddess. The goddess of all wolves.

Her lover or the wolf was reborn and they meet each other again and never let each other go.

They married each other and had kids too but need to keep them away from them for safety purpose.

A/n- I hope these info was useful.


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