Chapter 11

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I got Togas attention and asked her to get me a blanket, she did without hesitation, she even put the blanket on me and y/n. Toga walked to her room and left me an y/n alone, not long after that I slipped into the world of sleep.
Shigarakis P.O.V
I slowly woke up and looked at the clock, 7:37 am, I went to get up from the couch but there was something stopping me. I looked down and saw y/n's head on my lap, their head must've fell. I didn't want to wake them up so I stayed there, I grabbed my phone and started scrolling threw it. A few minutes later I felt y/n move, they slowly sat up and started apologizing.

I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on the couch, I closed my eyes and felt something move under my head. I slowly lifted my head and looked over, "I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I fell asleep on you," I felt my face heat up and turn red, "I'm so very Sorry! You could've woken me u-" "y/n it's ok, you were tired and I didn't want to wake you up, I also wanted you to sleep, we have to attack the training camp today" I nodded my head and sat back.

I saw Shigaraki get up and go to his room, a few minutes later I got the strength to get up and head to my room. I grabbed a black shirt and some comfy pants, I hopped in the shower. I exited my room and walked to the bar and saw Toga, Dabi, and Kiroguri, Shigaraki must still be in his room.

"SOOOOOOOO!" Toga grabbed my arm and took me to a corner of the bar. "What do you want Toga, and be quiet" she nodded her head, "Last night!" She screamed whispered, "What did you and Shigaraki dooo!" Does this girl not know how to be quiet, I told her what happened and she looked disappointed, "You Were Supposed To Kisssssss!" Wut. I turned around and left the corner, Toga tried to grab me but I kept escaping her grasp.

I heard Shigarakis door open, not long after he turned the corner, he leaned on the island bar. I asked Kiroguri for a drink, I finished my drink and sat it down, I was a few feet from Shigaraki, I was facing him and looking down at my phone.

A few seconds past and I felt someone bump into me, it caused me to start falling forward, I close my eyes, Oh god. No. I cant teleport, I might get hurt, or teleport somewhere I don't wanna be- My hands hit the bar and stopped me from falling, I open my eyes and see red shoes. I slowly looked up to look up at Shigaraki (sorry if you're tall), I basically kabedoned him.

Shigarakis P.O.V
I leaned on the counter and looked at my phone, I saw Dabi walk past, but I didn't notice he pushed y/n. Before Dabi could turn the corner y/n blocked me with their arms. They slowly looked up, "Are you ok?"

"Are you ok?" I realized what happened and nodded my head, while scratching my head. I went to push of the counter but my hand slipped and clipped the counter, why. I tried my hardest to catch myself but I ended up face planting into Shigarakis chest "ow" we both said in unison. I hit my head a little hard and had to try to come to my senses and we were in the awkward position for 20-30 seconds.

I finally succeeded to get off of Shigaraki and asked Kiroguri for some Aleve, he handed 2 to me, Toga grabbed my hand and led me to her room. She sat me down on her bed and gave me the biggest smile. I gave her a look of confusion, "What do you want now?" "Ohh, I was just WanDerInG if you and Shiga-" I got up and left the room.

I return to the bar and got a drink and went to my room. I changed to the outfit  I'll be wearing when we attack the camp. I decided to take a walk while I wait for us to leave.

~Time skip cuz Shigaraki is dummy thicc~
*Ding* I look down at my phone and see a text from Shigaraki, "Kiroguri is gunna open a portal so you can get back to the bar" as I read it a portal opened and I walked threw.

Hehe sorry for not postingggggg buttt  792 words hehe. See you in the next chapter luvs <3

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