Chapter 13

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Dabi sent a massive wave of blue flames at Aizawa. He let go of me and I went unconscious.
Shigaraki P.O.V
I told everyone to retreat after hearing y/n got their entire back slashed. "Kiroguri, open portals for everyone" He nodded and people started walking through.

I walked through and entered the bar, I looked over and saw Dabi walk through carrying y/n. I ran up to him and took y/n out of his hands and took them to their room. I asked Dabi to get a first aid kit from the bathroom. Toga came in and I explained what happened.

Dabi came back and I took the first aid kit from him. I cleaned and stitched y/ns wounds. It took about a hour to stitch them.

I looked at the clock 11:59 pm, I let out a sigh and rested my head on their bed. I watched them as they slowly breathed, my eye slowly shutting and my consciousness fading to black.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I looked around. I didn't notice Shigarakis head laying on my bed until he shifted. I sat there, staring at him, admiring him.

I smiled slightly until Dabi walked in. I rested my face and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. "See Toga, they're still asleep!" Dabi yelled and closed the door. I opened my eyes to see if he was in the room or not. He wasn't, I looked back at Shigaraki.

I could smell his cologne, it smelled good, surprisingly, not the average person would think Shigaraki smelled nice. I watched as he slowly breathed. I sat up, forgetting what happened the day before.

My back was sore from the lacerations, I slowly moved forward, trying not to be in pain. I reached to touch his soft looking hair, my hand finally made contact with his hair. It was soft, I couldn't help but play with his hair.

I twirled his hair between my fingers. He moved his head slightly resulting in me moving my hand.


He gently opened his eyes and turned his head to look at me. I gave him a soft smile even though I was freaking out on the inside. He... laid his head back down?

I was confused but I didn't really mind. I reached out my hand again, playing with his hair again.

A few minutes later, he lifted his head and looked at me. I didn't know what he was staring at. He looked around, pulled out his phone and checked the time.

"I'll, um, be right back, I'm gunna tell the others you're awake. They've probably been worried" I nodded my head and watched him open the door. I noticed his face was more flushed than usual, maybe its cause I embarrassed him, or maybe hes sick.

He shut the door and not long after I heard the door open to see a happy Toga and an emo arsonist. Toga ran to me asking a bazillion questions, Dabi calmed her down and answered the questions himself, looking at me making sure he was answering correctly.

Thirty or so minutes later, Toga finally left the room and Dabi left, probably to burn down an orphanage. All that was in the room was me on the bed and Shigaraki, who was in the corner.

I sighed, "So, um, about me playing with your hair, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight, and i-" "y/n, its ok, I don't really mind"

Wat, he... doesn't mind. What does that mean.

I nodded my head. *Ding* I grabbed my phone to see a text from Toga, "Shigaraki totallyyyyyy, has the hots for you, its so obvioussss, cmon just tell him you like himmmm, if you dont I will"

I didn't bother responding, its not like she was actually going to tell him, right?

A few hours later I woke up, I must've fell asleep. Shigaraki was now sitting in a chair near my bed.

What if he does like me, how will I tell him if he does? Will he ask me? Questions kept filling my mind until they were cut off by a beautiful voice.

"Umm y/n are you okay? You've been staring off into space for a good, solid 5 minutes"

"Oh, um, yeah I'm okay, I was just thinking about," I was trying to think what to say but I couldnt come up with anything, "um, I forgot" I chuckled nervously, hoping he wouldnt notice the nervousness.

Toga came in and asked for Shigaraki to follow her.

YAYYYYY  806 words, I am going to be updating it 1-2 every month cause I'm a pussy, but that doesn't matter, no one reads this anyways :'), See you in the next chapter luvs <3

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