The Two Stark's Land In Tennessee

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Macy Stark is no longer frozen, she sees that she's approaching a road and she quickly taps her braclet, and her suit covered her body. Next thing that she knew was that she hit a tree, and landed with a loud thud.

"Fuck that hurt." Macy says as she tries to stand up, but she fell onto the ground. Macy saw something falling from the sky, and she rolled away and in deed it was her father.

"So much for crawling." Macy says as she continued to crawl to her father, and she eventually got to her father, and she ripped the iron mask off of his face, and put it next to her.

"Réveille-toi Papa. Je ne peux pas te perdre. Veuillez vous réveiller. Ça va être ok. Je suis ici.” Macy says to her father, and has hot tears streaming down her face.

(Wake up Papa. I can’t lose you. Please wake up. It’s gonna be okay. I’m right here).

She begins to grow worried for her father, and the blonde transforms into a lion. She roared in his face, just like the way that Bruce did 6 months before. After her father fell out of the hole and didn’t stop falling, Bruce came in and saved her father. 

The father jolted up with a start and he looked around and smiled at his daughter, smiling that they are back together again. 

Just like the way that the both of them wanted. Before they got separated from that debris that hit Macy, causing the two to lose their grip from each other, and also for Macy to fall away from her father and plundered into the ocean. Not seeing each other until Tony came and rescued his baby girl. His baby bear. His world. His happiness during his tough times where he wants to give up on life and he has Macy to bring him back. 

The father gets out of his suit and basically forgets that it’s the middle of winter, in Tennessee, and there’s snow on the ground. They are freezing cold, because they are definitely not upstate. They are in a different state that they don’t even know. But at least they have each other, to keep them company.

The father hugs his daughter forgetting about her bruises, and her different injuries that she has on her body. The daughter hugs her father, not aware of his own injuries that he’s faces in less than a day. But with them together it won’t be a happy ending for now.

Well it will for a little bit, until Macy gets involved in great danger that she never knew about.

“Je suis si heureuse de te voir Papa. Je pensais que je t’avais perdu mais tu vas bien. Nous sommes ensemble, et nous ne sommes plus séparés. Bon j'espère qu’on ne se séparera pas.” Macy rambles in French, that her father is okay, and the father laughs at his daughter, with pride and joy all over his face.

(I am so happy to see you Papa. I thought that I lost you but you’re okay. We’re okay. We have together and we aren’t separated again. Well hopefully we won’t get separated).

Macy and Tony both lay there for a few minutes, catching their breaths and trying to take everything that has just happened. “It’s snowing, right?” Tony says and Macy smiles, as she remembers what snow is. Because at the orphanage when it would snow the kids were all happy.

“Yeah and it’s very very cold.” Tony frowns, seeing that his daughter is shivering and that he’s starting to get cold also.

Macy takes a deep breath as she hears JARVIS give the two Stark’s the bad news. “We’re five miles outside Rose Hill, Tennessee.” Macy and Tony both face each other with shock written all over their faces. Then Macy’s eye starts twitching, and the father slowly backs away not wanting to be around Macy when she’s this angry.

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