phase two

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Once Macy got her punishment for almost escaping with her father, Macy let out an ear bleeding scream. The father glares at ‘Ponytail Express’, because he was the one who tied Tony back up into the bed frame.

“Don’t try to escape now!” ‘Ponytail Express’, says to the father and the billionaire rolls his eyes as he’s thinking of a better plan on how to get out. But so far he doesn't have any ideas, much to his dismay at the moment.

Tony felt tears pricking in his eyes when he heard Macy letting out an ear bleeding scream. He just wanted to get out with Macy beside him.

The door opened and Killian walked into the room.

“God she needs to seriously stop doing that!” Killian says rubbing his forehead as he now has a headache from Macy screaming twice in like 10 minutes in the same day.

‘Ponytail Express’, handed Killian some pain killers for his headache, and he smiled a little, and drank some water.

“Better.” Killian muttered to himself, and Maya rolled her eyes at Killian, as she felt bad for Macy a little bit.

Because she didn’t deserve any of this. But this was part of the plan. To kidnap the two Stark’s and use Macy against her father, while the father saw Macy suffering from the Extremis.

Tony was watching his every move, glaring heavily at Killian with an angry look on his face. His hands turned into fists, as if he wasn’t tied to the bedframe he would lunge at Killian, and get his daughter, and get the fuck out of here.

But he can’t get out of the bed frame, and he can’t lunge at Killian, and he can’t get his daughter, and also he can’t get out of here.

Killian turned to Tony with a smirk on his face, and he saw the angry look on the father’s face.

“Why the long face?” Killlian says laughing at the father. “Is it because you don’t have your daughter?”

Tony internally groans as he just wants his daughter back. He’s gonna get his daughter back soon.

“We have a winner. Just give me my daughter!” Tony yells at Killian, and he smirks at the father.

“Yeah ain’t gonna happen again.” Killian says walking towards the father, and giving him a look.

“JUST GIVE ME MY FUCKING DAUGHTER BACK!” Tony yelled at Killian, losing his temper. Killian punched Tony in the face knowing he can't do anything because he is tied to the bed frame.

Tony kicked Killian, mostly because his feet were the only part of his body that wasn’t tied. Which was a good thing at least for the father.

Killian falls back with a loud thud on the ground, and Tony smiles at the sight of Killian falling to the ground.

“Ow!” Killian says getting up from where he fell and Tony’s smile dropped when he saw that Killian got up.

“Ah fuck.” Tony cursed under his breath, as his smile dropped when he got up. He hoped that would work, but apparently it didn’t work.

In the room with Macy

Macy saw that one of Killian’s henchmen walked into the room, with a taser; she gulped seeing the weapon in his hands.

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