Chapter 8: New Journey

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It was weird. We were all sitting in Tomoko's house in awkward silence. I didn't know how to begin the conversation. Suddenly, Tomoko spoke up. "So, why did you let the guy who tried to kill us into my home? He's a stranger, and I don't approve of this if we're all going to not talk," she said with a passive-aggressive smile.
"Right, sorry," I apologized. Kenji was sitting in a wooden chair, head facing down like he was thinking. Standing up from my chair, I slightly walked over to him.
"Explain what you require," I said, intimidatingly. He slowly turned his head to look up at me. After a few moments, he finally spoke up.
"I had gotten evidence that an orb that I need to assist me in my journey lies here, with the fairy." Tomoko got angry, but was still smiling and staying silent. Haruki just stared at Kenji in fear.
"Again, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you really have this so-called evidence, it's probably fake," Tomoko explained. Kenji glanced at her in anger.
"Alright, enough with the dramatic stares," I commented. Calming them down, Kenji continued.
"It's an orb that lets you find any location or any person as long as you know what the person looks like. I was told it lies with a fairy who doesn't live in the Fairy Forest and they had evidence."
"I've never heard of this orb. If it was with a fairy outside of the Fairy Forest, then it's someone else you're looking for," Tomoko declared.
"It's a rare relic that barely any of you fairies have ever heard of," Kenji remarked.
"Well, guess I'm one of the fairies that's never heard of it," she explains. Her face suddenly lit up.
"Actually, in the museum in the Fairy Forest, there was a break in and someone stole some magical items but I have no idea what they were. No one ever told me. Not even the news," she noted. Kenji stood up immediately and walked over to Tomoko.
"Do you know who?" He questioned impatiently.
"Well, no."
"S-sorry, but I might know who," Haruki jumped in. Tomoko, Kenji, and I turn our heads to face him. Kenji stomped over and grabbed him by his collar.
"Why the hell didn't you say that before?!" He yelled. Haruki started stuttering and panicking. I ran over and pushed them both aside.
"Calm down, Kenji," I said. We turn our attention to Haruki to listen.
"So, how could you know, someone who isn't from the Fairy Forest, while me who is from the Fairy Forest, doesn't know?" Tomoko curiously asked.
"Well, since the Fairy Forest is very isolated, the news from the outside world doesn't get to you. But there have been rumors that a pale man wearing a black hooded cape has been wandering around near a mountain. A mountain that is full of monsters. Some rumors say he's working with the monsters, but some say he died and the monsters took the orb because the dude never came back," Haruki explained.
"Where's the mountain?" Kenji asked impatiently. Haruki had a scared look on his face.
"I-I mean, there are p-plenty of mountains filled with monsters, s-so it's not like w-we know," Haruki said, shaking. He was majorly intimidated by Kenji. Kenji scoffed.
"In their rumors, what mountain did they say he went to, idiot?" Kenji asked irritatedly.
"Gee, how desperate are you?" Mumbled Haruki.
"What was that?" Kenji blurted out.
"Ahhh, haha, nothing, nothing!" Haruki said nervously.
"Okay, so what exactly do you need the orb for?" I asked Kenji.
"A location I've been searching for," Kenji claimed, directing his attention to me.
"Well, I assume you won't tell me any more specifics. Haruki, do you know which mountain?" I add, turning over to Haruki.
"W-well, no. After the rumors spread of him, the people who knew suddenly disappeared and we never got to know which mountain. If I had to assume, he's probably in a mountain that holds very powerful monsters," Haruki guessed.
"Hmm..." I mumbled. They suddenly disappeared? That's not really a coincidence. Maybe the guy targeted the ones who knew what mountain so they could never find him. That makes it pretty obvious this guy doesn't want to be found. After I finished my thoughts, I gazed at Kenji.
"Let's help you," I said. They all seemed surprised.
"I'm sorry, what? I don't want to help the man who tried to kill me for an orb," Tomoko said, a smile gone.
"Y-yeah, he's really intimidating," Haruki stuttered in fear. Kenji rolled his eyes.
"Why the hell would you want to help me? You won't be receiving anything out of it," Kenji stated.
"Well, that's not entirely true. Think about it. Those people you said who suddenly disappeared vanished probably because of the guy who traveled to the mountain. Perhaps the mysterious guy didn't want anyone to search and successfully find his location. If more people are able to find out, we could prevent their deaths and get you that orb in the process," I explained. They all stared off in silence to think.
"I mean, true I don't want people to die, but I don't want to die myself! A mountain is the nest for monsters! No way in hell I'll go there!" Haruki cried out.
"Oh, c'mon, Haruki. If you're seriously that scared, then you don't have to go. But just know that it's a lot better with 4 than 3," I explained. Haruki sweated intensely and started shooting his head to look at Tomoko and Kenji.
"Alright, fine, I'll go! I don't want you to die and to leave me behind!" Haruki yelled out.
"As long as our teamwork is good, then sure. I would like to save lives," Tomoko explained.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just know that I don't plan to be buddy-buddies with you lot. If you get in my way, I'm leaving you behind," Kenji declared.
"Duly noted," I responded.
"I just have one question," Tomoko started. We all glance at her.
"Where do we start?" The room became silent, and all you could hear was the short breeze outside and birds singing. I was caught up in the moment.
"Guess we can start at a village who lives near a mountain filled with monsters?" I suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that," Kenji said, disappointed and embarrassed.
    And so, our journey began as we started travelling across the huge forest.
        I double tapped on Kaji's fang and he appeared, small and adorable. He chirped happily. Kenji looked shocked, grabbed tightly on his spear and pulled it out of the handle on his back. As Haruki yelped out, he pointed the spear right next to me at Kaji.
"Hey, stop it!" I yelled out. Kaji growled furiously.
"Why? It's a dragon, it'll kill us all," Kenji said angrily.
"Aw, but just look at him. He's so small. Is this seriously the size of all your other dragons, King Ryuu?" Tomoko asked. I put my hand on his spear and lowered it to the ground.
"He's my dragon, he's good," I said, calming Kenji down. Kenji scoffed and put his spear away.
"No, this isn't his regular size, it's quite bigger, and please, just call me Ryuu," I told Tomoko. I looked over at Kaji and nodded. He nodded back, and turned into his regular size which was a huge dragon. They all stare at him in awe as he grows in size.
"This is Kaji, my fire dragon. We're going to take a nice smooth ride on my dragon and fly over the forest," I informed them.
"Oh, good idea. I can rest my wings for a bit," Tomoko says.
"I don't wanna fly him, though, I'll fall!" Haruki cried out.
"Ugh, you won't fall, dingbat! You've ridden him before," I yelled out in frustration.
"And besides, the nearest village is just at the end of this forest, and this forest is huge, so it may take us a day, even on a dragon," Tomoko explained.
"Well, that's alright. Hop on, everyone," I urged. Haruki stumbled over as he walked over to Kaji. Kaji set his wing down so they could walk up his wing and onto his back. Haruki fumbled over as he made his way up. Almost sliding down the wing, I fortunately reached him and grabbed him by his wrist, then pulled him up. He sat behind me. Tomoko gracefully flew her way over the beast and sat behind Haruki. I look back at Kenji who cautiously tried to make his way up. As he sat behind Tomoko, I wanted to tease him.
"Are you scared, Kenji? More scared than Haruki of a dragon?" I asked, smirking.
"No, I'm not! Shut the hell up and get to flying, 'King'!" He yelled. I chuckled and then Kaji took off. We made our way up and over the tall trees of the forest.
"AHH!!" Haruki yelled out, right in my ear. I cringed. Kenji struggled to stay still but he got the hang of it.
"Couldn't we just walk?" Kenji asks.
"One, this is faster, two, are you scared?" I asked.
"No, I'm not, idiot!"
"My, my, it's very pretty up here, especially since it's almost sunset!" Tomoko exclaimed. I smiled, happy that I made some friends.

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