Chapter 4: Lightning

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I yelled out and started running towards the king. His soldiers were about to launch but the king told them to stop. I jumped up the stairs to his throne and landed in front of him. "Do not disrespect the dragons like that, you fiend," I said, clenching my teeth as my arms were still tied. The king slightly tilted his head and giggled. I growled.
"Guards, before this so-called king sends his ugly beasts, kill him. We don't want war," the king demanded.
"UGLY BEASTS?!" I raged out and yelled, but the guards restrained me before I could do anything. Then, the doors behind us slowly opened. I turned around and saw the elf.
"Elf! You're injured, get outta here!" I exclaimed.
"So instead of your beasts, you send one of your dogs," the king says smirking.
"You bastard," I said angrily.
"M-My name is Haruki Fujii! I must ask you to... l-let my f-friend go...!" Haruki said as he was shaking.
The king started laughing. "Not just some ordinary dog, a cowardice dog! Hah! Guards, seize him!" The king demanded. More guards came out and charged towards Haruki. For some reason, Haruki dropped his bow.
"Haruki, what are you doing?!" I screamed out. He lifted his hands to his face and it was as though sparks were flying from his hands.
This is terrifying... it's gonna hurt... but you gotta, or you'll both die! Great, now I'm even more scared!
Haruki then slapped his face and a surge of electricity ran through his body. His eyes were closed for a moment but suddenly, he opened them. His pupils looked like lightning bolts and I sensed he just became totally different, not like the coward he was before. I heard the king mumble under his breath, saying 'huh?'. Haruki grabbed his bow and drew the string back.
The hell is he doing? He doesn't have any arrows! I thought. Out of the blue, a bolt of lightning appeared on the string and he shot it. He shot it in the middle of the soldiers and shocked them, knocking them out. I gasped. The king looked speechless and angry.
Haruki then appeared in front of me in the blink of an eye, and took off my ropes. "Thank you, Haruki," I said. He didn't reply. It was like he was a mindless minion. We then took our leave, and the king couldn't tell us to stop because of what he just witnessed.
    When we got out of the castle, I really quickly ran out to the supplies shop before word got out about what had happened. I bought two things of supplies for the village. Once I ordered them, they immediately came out, then I summoned two dragons, Ankoku and Kaji, to carry the stuff. Everyone around was scared or either amazed, but luckily I was hoping to get out of there soon. Once I had them ready to go, I hopped on Kaji with Haruki. Ankoku hates when people ride him, actually, he hates people in general. I was so out of energy, I could barely stay upright, just from summoning two dragons. I heard a crowd of guards yelling at us.
"Kaji, Ankoku, let's go!" I urged on. Kaji grunted in agreement and Ankoku just growled at me. Then, we took off before they could catch us. We were finally heading back to the village. It was sad that I couldn't say thank you and goodbye to the doctor.
    During our flight, Haruki turned back to normal, meaning I could ask him questions. "Where are we- AHH WE'RE FLYING!!!" he screamed.
"Calm down, it's me, Ryuu," I assured him.
"Oh, thank goodness," Haruki sighed in relief.
"Anyway, I have some questions. How did you do that? Create lightning bolts from thin air, and how were you able to change like that?" I asked.
"Oh, I was always able to change like that. Whenever I make electricity flow to my hands and slap my face, I change like that. It's so scary," He explains, whimpering.
"And I've always been born with lightning powers, apparently with the ability to create bolts of them and make them just like arrows," he explained.
"Interesting," I replied. My head was feeling heavy, I felt like I was going to pass out any minute. I've never really had to summon two dragons for this long. Haruki seemed to notice as I was breathing heavily.
"Hey, are you okay?" Haruki asks. I gasp softly.
"Yeah, I'm alright," I replied, breathing heavily.
"Really? You don't seem alright, did something happen? ARE YOU DYING?!" Haruki exclaims.
"Hah, don't worry, I'm alright," I said once again.
"Alright..." Haruki said hesitantly. About 15 minutes later, we made it to the village. The villagers were cheering and happy that I came back with more supplies. Once I off-loaded the supplies, I landed my dragons to take a very quick break. The lady from before ran up to us and gave Haruki a hug. He jumped and screamed because he wasn't prepared for it. He then looks down.
"I'm so glad you're alright, Haruki!" She cheered. Haruki started blushing.
"I-I was always going to be fine!" He stuttered.
"Anyway, come, come, Haruki! We should celebrate! Haruki?" Haruki was looking down at the ground.
"Hey, man, what's wrong? Go with her," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He still continued to look down.
"Miss, I decided..." Haruki started.
"I decided I want to team up with Ryuu and go on journeys with him, meaning I must leave here," he told her. I looked shocked. I was very happy to have him on my side, even for a coward, he's pretty strong. The girl smiled and walked up to Haruki. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Good choice, Haruki. Your aunt would be proud," she told him. Haruki smiled. He then turned to face me. "Shall we go?" he asked. I smirked.
"Sure, let's go," I say. I double-tap Ankoku's fang and he disappears. I felt a sharp pain when he left. I think I'll pass out later, but I won't mind it now. We both hop onto Kaji and wave goodbye to the other villagers and we fly off.
About 5 minutes later, Haruki starts asking me questions.
"So, Lord Ryuu-"
"Just Ryuu is fine," I interrupted him.
"Oh alright. I was just wondering where we headed? What's the goal here?" He asked.
"Well, when I first got out of my home, I just thought I was going out for a fly to kill monsters," I said.
"Monsters?!" He yelped.
"Wait, so you're saying there's no goal?" He asked.
"Well... yeah," I said.
"Oh... okay then," Haruki says. There was a bit of awkward silence. Then, I felt another sharp pain in my head. I immediately put my hand to my head.
"Hey, you alright?" Haruki asks. I tried to not pass out and to hold in all the pain I had. I removed my hand from my head and said, "Yeah, don't worry." I don't want to be a burden.
"Why don't we land next to that river?" Haruki suggested, pointing down to earth. I took a look in the direction he was pointing in. There was a huge and beautiful blue river. I accepted the suggestion and we landed near the river. Haruki hopped off and then I did, but my head hurt so bad that I almost stumbled over.
    A few minutes later, we were sitting next to the river, with Akari on my lap. As I stroke her, my head still throbs in pain. I nudged her and she opened her eyes. She got off my lap and I sat up. Haruki looked up at me.
"Where ya going?" Haruki asks.
"Oh, I'm just gonna go get some alone time," I said, double-tapping on Akari's fang so she disappeared.
"Alrighty, then," he says, looking back at the river. I walked toward the forest but then I heard something dive-bombing from above me. I looked up and saw something huge coming straight for me.
"HARUKI!!" I yelled out. He was already seeing the thing falling from the sky.

The Dragon's Legend : CadmusWhere stories live. Discover now