Chapter 12: The Quarrel

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The flight was calm and soothing, but as usual, too quiet. Luckily, someone spoke up. "Ryuu." It was Kenji.
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.
"I don't understand you." I was confused.
"Clarify," I demanded.
"Understand that we're going up against the big ass boss. Do you even have a plan?"
"I'm pretty sure we could come up with something, we're smart," I stated.
"How the hell are you a king?" Kenji asked angrily. Haruki, Tomoko and Atsushi looked surprised.
"Excuse me?" I became offended.
"You heard me. How are you this irresponsible? We're about to go to a damn war and you aren't even protecting your kingdom," he growled.
"Okay, then why the hell are you so obsessed with an orb than other people's lives?" I growled. I turned around and stood up. He also stood up but almost fell over because we were still moving.
"What's wrong? Can't keep your balance?"
"Shut the hell up, bastard." Atsushi stands up and puts his arm in front of Kenji so he won't start fighting. Tomoko slides off and starts flying on her own and Haruki stands up in between the two. "G-guys, let's not fight. Besides, Kenji, why are you just now mentioning this? Don't you think it's a bad time?" Haruki stutters.
"Haruki's right, a quarrel between allies solves nothing, just let this go," Tomoko says.
"Just sit back down, we're on the same side right? You both have good points but couldn't we settle this with a calmer manner?" Atsushi asked in sign language.
"No, I wanna hear his shit-ass plan," Kenji fumed.
"So are you saying you have a plan?" I asked with a smirk and raised an eyebrow.
"No, I'm just wondering since you're a king and kings are supposed to be responsible."
"If you don't have a plan, then I think you should keep that trap shut."
"G-guys.." Haruki stuttered. He then tripped and fell off of the dragon but luckily Atsushi caught him before he fell. Atsushi held on a scale on Kaji's side. Tomoko went to help bring them back up but Kenji and I continued fighting.
"Uhm, Kenji, Ryuu," Tomoko said with an angry smile.
"Shut up, Tomoko!" Shouted Kenji. Tomoko looked shocked and sad at the same time.
"Kenji, I've had it with your attitude, we're your friends! We're trying to help you find that stupid orb!"
"Oh, and aren't you doing a fantastic fucking job with that?! And I never asked for you to come in the first place!"
"I can't believe how selfish you are. These are people's lives at stake, and here you are worrying about your orb! Don't you have a family to protect?!"
"OH YEAH, I USED TO!! AND DON'T YOU HAVE A KINGDOM TO PROTECT?!" Kenji shouted. I stayed silent. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm a king. What am I doing? My kingdom is my first priority.
    Tomoko's memories came flooding back in. It was all a blur. "Shut the hell up, Tomoko! It's your fault too! I need to speak with the fairy wizard to put that curse on you, I can't believe it's come to this," a female fairy said.
"No, mother, please! PLEASE!!" Tomoko exclaimed. Then it faded to white. Then her vision was back except it was the same beautiful dark forest, with music and cheering, a large bonfire. Tomoko looks around and sees fairies who are dancers... and another female fairy walks up to her, her teacher.
"You are a mistake. A disgrace to the tradition!" She gasped and she came back to reality once more. She glanced at her hands.
    Atsushi is about to lose grip on the dragon. "Hey, Tomoko, could you, I don't know, HELP US OUT?!?!" Haruki exclaimed. She shook her head and flew over them, grabbing Atsushi's hand as they let go. Kenji and I continued fighting, not knowing what was happening around us. Suddenly, I heard something heading straight for us. I stopped to look past Kenji and saw a purple flaming skull bomb was headed right towards us.
"EVERYONE, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I exclaimed. It hit Kaji's lower back and he roared out in pain. Kenji and I lose our balance and we fall off the left side. "KAJI!!!" I shout out as Kaji falls with us. Tomoko loses Atsushi's grip and all three start plummeting to Earth. "THIS IS IT, I'M DEAD!!!" Haruki yelled.
    Tomoko's smile came back as she effortlessly created a crystal dome around Atsushi, Haruki, and herself to cushion their fall into the forest. As Kenji and I continued down to Earth, I looked at Kaji falling down. Then, I direct my attention to Kenji. "Kenji! Grab my arm!" I yell at him. He groaned out in anger and grabbed my arm. I tried to use my fire to slow our fall but it was no use. Then, out of nowhere, Kaji gains consciousness again, wraps us up in his wings and we make contact with the ground. As Kuragari flies in the air, watching them plummet, he smirks.
"Perfect. Now, for our first battle, Ryuu Gushiken."
    As dust fills the air, Haruki climbs his way up from the crashed ground. He has a tiny bit of scratches and dirt on him, just like Atsushi. "Ugh..." Haruki groaned, rubbing his head. Atsushi sits up, shaking his head. Haruki turns over to face him. "Hey, I'm not dead! But what the hell was that?!" Atsushi shrugs.
"Well, at least you're okay. Wait, where's Tomoko?" Haruki asks. They both start looking around. Atsushi's face becomes shocked as he runs over in a direction.
"Did you find h-" Haruki stopped. She was unconscious. Atsushi kneeled next to her and picked her up.
"H-hey, is she alright?!" Haruki exclaimed.
"IS SHE DEAD?!" Suddenly, Tomoko groans and opens her eyes slightly. Atsushi's eyes fill with relief.
"Thank goodness you're alright, Tomoko!" Haruki exclaimed happily. She groaned and sat up, spreading her wings out.
"Where's Ryuu and Kenji?" She groaned.
"We got separated from them, so we don't know." Atsushi nods and runs off, jumping from tree to tree.
"Hey, where are you going?!" Atsushi makes it to the top of the tree and looks off in every direction. One direction had smoke which he presumed was where the others were. He looked back down at the two and pointed in the direction he assumed they were in.
"Oh, hell yeah!" Haruki exclaimed. But then Atsushi saw something in the other direction coming straight for them. He started making his way down the tree and ran over to the other two. He grabbed them by the arms and started heading in the direction of Ryuu and Kenji.
"Hey, man, what are you doing?!" Haruki exclaims. As they run forward, Tomoko looks back.
"He's trying to get us away from something," she declared.
"What?! From what?! ARE WE GONNA DIE?!?!" Haruki exclaimed. Suddenly, they were surrounded by gremlin-like monsters with ram horns, holding weapons.
"Away from them."

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