The Officer

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The Officer

"You must be Kim Hongjoong, right?"

"I am, did something happen?"

"I'm Officer Park, I've some important new for you"

His eyes lingered on Yeosang before looking at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong placed a hand on Yeosang's head pulling back the falling hair from his eyes out of pure instinct to but to also block him from the officer's gaze, Yeosang pulled away the bottle from his mouth eyes focusing on the man in navy uniform in front of him, little eyes going to the many shiny things he wore.
Hongjoong adjusted him on his hip before inviting the officer inside.

The man was just a few inches taller than him, slender but packing enough muscles that his uniform look amazingly good on his body standing in front of him gave him a good sense of how the man's form was rather than the last time were he only saw him sitting down. But he had to say the man had a nice face it was slim with high cheekbones prominent eyebrows which looked good when they weren't covered by his hair overall with his built and face he was pretty desirable.

Hongjoong paused and rethought what his mind just thought. Shaking it off he went back to real world.

Hongjoong took him into the kitchen and left to go put Yeosang to play.
Upon arrival he felt himself grew tense, his senses telling him this man was a danger or at least something he should perceive with caution, because in the span of a week he had smelt this man's cologne not once but on multiple occasions and it was no everyday scent to begin with.

"Would you like something to drink?"

He bite his tongue from asking if the man wanted Whiskey on ice.

"No, I'm fine, I have some news to deliver to you put I'd like you to be seated before tell you"

So he sat right next to him.

"Your friend, the child's parents, have passed away"


He applauded the officer's straight-forward attitude.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but we need you to come in just for some questions and to give a statement it may help us get to a quicker lead to who was the killer"

The man sounded sincere, genuinely sincere, to him, Hongjoong was slumped against his seat his eyes looking everywhere as if asking for a sign that this wasn't real.

"Do they know who did it?"

The officer nodded,

"From the crime scene it's likely the husband did it and ran into the woods to commit suicide but his body is still missing, we have no hard or liable proof yet to call it such so the most we're going off on is foul play and he's hiding"

Hongjoong nodded not trusting his mouth as disbelief raced over to his face,

"How could this happen?"

He didn't even realize he spoke aloud, until he was answered,

"It doesn't take much to push people of the edge maybe he was stuck in an unhappy marriage and killing his wife drove him even more insane, but everyone is relieved the child is fine, but I will have to ask you to bring him to the station as of now we don't know if he has other guardian or caretaker I wouldn't be surprised if the Child Protection unit asks if you can take guardianship"

"I see, when should we going in?"

"Today preferably but if you need time to understand or cope with what has happened you can always get it done tomorrow"

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