The Lovers Pt. 2 smut edition.

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A/n: if you've read any of my book that have smut you will know that I'm not that good at it....but I felt like a robbed yall of smut if you like.


Domestic Seongjoong go to the store and a Karen makes hongjoong self conscious but Hwahwa is there to reassure him in more ways than one.

Cross dressing
Homophobia (slurs) by an old Karen.
Feminization kinda?
They indulge in their breeding kink. (Ish)


Hongjoong felt warm, the bunched sheets around him making him want to fall deeper into the blissful slumber he once had, but he couldn't  because with the warmth came feather light touches to his face, moving down from his temple to his lips then giving the sweet kiss he oh-so anticipated.
Slowly he opened his eyes looking directly at the lidded pair that stared back at him through the damp black hair.

"Good morning"


He moved the hair blocking the full view of the gorgeous face, sitting up he pushed back the hair fully earning a hum from Seonghwa who buried his face into the open chest presented to him. Cradling the head he kissed the hair, he loved being greeted with the fresh scent of pine and gardenias in the morning.
Seonghwa nudged his head to the side pecking at the chest stopping at the puffy nipples both red with teeth marks indented right around the red area.

"Don't touch them they hurt"

"I'm sorry, m- didn’t mean to make them hurt"

"It's okay I'll just put on some ointment and a pad"

"Don't worry I'll take care of you all day today"

"When do you not"

Seonghwa gave hongjoong and apologetic kiss before getting of the bed, hongjoong followed in step heading to the bathroom he chuckled at the sight of his chest, he knew Seonghwa had a new found affinity to kiss and biting him but this was a whole canvas and he loved it dearly.

A four and half year old Yeosang came strolling the bathroom, immediately going to hug Hongjoong's leg, in three and half years the boy was close to reaching his knee.

"Good morning Sang-ah, you have school don't you?"

"No swhol, stay wi' Ma and Pa"

"Sang-ah you can't stay home don't you want to play with minnie ?"


Yeosang bolted with the realization that he was leaving his best friend alone in school if he was to stay home, he could hear Seonghwa already yelling at yeosang for running in the house with his socks still on.

Three and half years, hongjoong laughed to himself everything moved like a dream to him, getting custody of yeosang moving in and dating Seonghwa, Wooyoung's constant liveliness, it was a dream for him.
But it was sad that it took him so long to open it to Seonghwa, his insecurities had bested him one to many times durning the course of the relationship sometimes even having to distance himself for a bit to clear his mind.

Wooyoung suggested therapy and was happy to suggest a friend of his, it took some coercing from Seonghwa and Wooyoung before he could actually go but it helped to just talk out the worries he could say without alerting the therapist to his past occupation.

Seonghwa maintained his treatment to hongjoong, always kind, soft and overall being the best person he can to him, slowly hongjoong allowed Seonghwa into the bubble he was enclosed in and slowly he let the relationship blossom from there. Soft kisses and slow touches nothing to much but nothing to little.
It did take them both sitting down and talking things out first, explaining to each other what the other likes and don't like and getting a better understanding as to how they should go about their newly started sex life.

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