The Killers

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warning- killing

With grief shrouding his judgment, Hongjoong saw nothing but his goal.

His palms hurt from how hard clenched them. Getting up he walked back into the house the gas had dissipated enough to where there was nothing but the smell remaining.

Seonghwa watched him from the door, eyes sharp and keen red from the gas.

"I'm going to get him back"

Though the words didn't need to be spoken he still said them, Seonghwa nodded wiping the sweat from his forehead he left where he was propping by the door and to his car pulling out a black duffel bag.

"Get ready then"

Hongjoong watched him walk past a sharp clanging coming from the bag as he did, disappearing into his room.
Hongjoong left the house and went to the shed his mind trying to get a grip from the pure adrenaline coursing his veins.
The bag was well hidden behind stacks of old newspapers pulling it out he emptied its contents systematically putting them on.

First came the vest then his gloves then his coat then finally his mask taking the only weapons he'll need he walked out the shed the a compact assault rifle shining beautifully along with his wrist dagger.

It made him remember the first time he split blood it was on the cold concrete of a pavement the midnight winds blew the scent of iron away from him, the creep had been following him since he left his job and when Hongjoong stopped to get his phone out was when they attacked but it back fired and Hongjoong committed his first felony.

Seonghwa stood ready black hood pulled over his head, the beautiful embroidered cloak covering him, it looked better up close than hiding behind a door or the darkness of a forest.

"I'll meet you there, stay safe and out of sight till then"

It was a silent plan that had no need to be spoken after all skilled assassin's as themselves had no need to speak a plan that was hurried and bound to be flawed going separate and working around each other was their best bet, they go separately to the location they knew Yeosang was taken too, and since they both were put on this job they had the know-how as to where what was and who was who.
This would be a time where Hongjoong didn't care for background information the person who took Yeosang and threatened his life didn't need the benefit of the doubt. Seonghwa faded into the distance with his car.
Hongjoong stayed once again looking at his home, they would have to move again his safety as well as Yeosang's was in more jeopardy than it already was now that his safe house was jeopardized.

Picking up the squashed toy he dusted it off and molded it back to its original form stuffing it into his pocket he left, he would come back later for the necessary stuff he needed to move.

"Don't worry Sang-ah, we're coming".

Nerve-wracking was one word to describe how he felt at the very moment he stepped into the mansion, an empty expense of white marble the darkness of the night that settled around them made the marble glow heavenly in the darkness.
He hadn't seen Seonghwa outside nor on the road coming in the house was desolate far past the city bound and into the reclusive parts of land were parents forbid they're kid from venturing into for fear of getting lost, killed or more unsightly things.

It was were urban legends rang through and the mansion was no strangers to vandalism though the interior sported plane grandeur the outside saw the horror of the elements and the recklessness of youthful minds whose expressions of art became all the more morbid the longer you admired it.

Hongjoong felt chills through his coat like a ghost wisp through him egging him on as he walked further into the house, the coldness remained to his back, like a gentle indent of a hand holding him up.

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