The Past and the Present

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The Ushers spread out covering the doors, ready to throw them open to exit the impending excitement.  The organist began to play softly, as the So n So family processioned in for their private viewing.  As they were walking two by two, one of the family members sidestepped and fell back.
'Jazzy, who is that on the FRONT SEAT??", Desmond said not bothering to whisper. Jazzy's face was stuck in a permanent Jokeresque smile. "Plum crazy...",Desmond said, a little bit louder this time. "Boy shut up before  Mama kills us both dead! I love Daddy So n So, but I ain't tryna be no doggone roommates!" Desmond said, "True, true"

The family  was nearing the front pews and stopped so that Mother So n So could have her "moment". Soft mewling, brought to a very fine whine as she began to sway. The funeral directors began preparing to open the casket, carefully moving the beautiful burgundy and gold spray from the top.
Mother had worked herself to a moan that rivaled that of the slaves in the field. The Ushers, one on either side, stood ready with  fans and  tissues. As the lid was raised, Mother So n So positioned herself for "best performance  by a grieving widow the Award goes to Mother"----"Who the hell changed my husband's  clothes??? Yall done lost yall rabbit ass minds!!"
In the casket laid out in the finest RED suit eyes ever been laid on was Daddy So n So, looking like a Valentines Pimp!!
A voice rang out over all the commotion. Suddenly a hush fell in the church.

"I changed his clothes, after all I am his wife...W.I.F.E."
(Jesus be that whole entire fence, that  run from  heart to heart and breast to breast!!)

Mother So n So turned to see where the voice came from.

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