Get This Party Started!

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     As others started coming in, the church filled up. It was standing room only, with people standing outside. The Ushers ran out of obituaries, and folks was complaining!
"Can't believe they only printed 150 obituaries, they just cheap!"
"And look at this, you can't even see the pictures in this black & white mess!"
"They should've had this fune at another church, this ain't big enough for Daddy So n So fune!"
     The processional began with the Pastor and other ministers; followed by the family...with the 2 Mrs. So n So's jockeying for the head position. 
"Heffa move the hell over! This ain't you damn husband!"
"Girlllll you betta get yo life, humph, you'll be layin' up there wit him!!"
"Girlllll it's about to be some shit up in here!!!", Peaches stage whispered.
    The Pastor waited until the family was seated, and the service began. The funeral was full of songs and many tributes to the goodness and steadfastness of Daddy So n So. The man had clearly touched so many lives! When it was time for Pastor to give the eulogy, there wasn't a dry eye in the house! Everybody was moved by the spirit and it was high!! By the time Pastor got to Jesus and the 3rd resurrection...all hell broke loose...."Why me & my babies can't sit up wit da family?? Dat's my baby daddy!!"
Pastor fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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