Chapter four:Marlin meets Dory

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[A beautiful mermaid swam around and explored the rest of Atlantis until the white boat zoomed past  her she sense there was a sea friend in trouble]
Ariel:*gasp* a boat! And there's a guppy in trouble!
[Ariel chases after the boat,cut to Marlin still chasing after the boat but suddenly realizes he lost it]
Marlin: (panting) Oh, no. No, no. It's gone, it's gone. No, no, it can't be gone. No, no! Nemo! No, please, no! No, no! Has anybody seen a boat! Please! A white boat! They took my son! My son! Help me, please!
Dory: Look out!
(Marlin and Dory bump into each other. Marlin gets hit right into a giant rock)
Dory: Sorry! I didn't see you. Sir, are you OK? There, there. It's all right.

MARLIN: He's gone.
DORY: It'll be OK.
MARLIN: No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat.
DORY: Hey, I've seen a boat.
MARLIN: You have?
DORY: It passed by not too long ago.
MARLIN: A white one?
DORY: Hi. I'm Dory.
MARLIN: Where!? Which way!?
DORY: It went, this way! And it went this way! Follow me!

MARLIN: Thank you! Thank you, so much!
DORY: No problem.
DORY: Will you quit it?
DORY I'm trying to swim here. What, ocean ain't big enough for you? You got a problem, buddy? Do you? You want a piece of me? Yeah, I'm scared now. What!

MARLIN: Wait a minute...
DORY: Stop following me, OK?
MARLIN: What are talking about? You're showing me which way the boat went!
DORY: A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way, it went this way. Follow me!
MARLIN: Wait a minute! What is going on? You already told me which way the boat was going!
DORY: I did? Oh, no.
MARLIN: If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! And I know funny... I'm a clownfish!
DORY: No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. See, I suffer from short-term memory loss.

MARLIN: Short-term memory loss. I don't believe this!

DORY: No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family. Or at least I think it does. Where are they? Can I help you?
MARLIN: Something's wrong with you, really. You're wasting my time. I have to find my son. [gasp]
BRUCE: Hello.

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