Chapter 15:Reunion/Fishing Net

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FISH: Hey! Look out.
MARLIN: Sorry. Just trying to get home.
NEMO: Dad! Dad!
NEMO: Daddy!
MARLIN: Nemo?!
NEMO: Dad!
DORY: Nemo's alive!
Ariel:I told you he was alive Marlin!
MARLIN: Dory? Ariel? Nemo!

NEMO: Daddy!
MARLIN: Nemo! I'm coming Nemo!
NEMO: Dad!
NEMO: Dad!
Ariel:Aww! How sweet.
MARLIN: Thank goodness!! It's all right, son! It's gonna be OK.
[Dory and Ariel suddenly turned around and were shocked to see a giant fishing net coming towards them]
FISH 1: Turn around! You're going the wrong way!!
Ariel:Oh no! Fishing net!
DORY: Aah!! Look out!
MARLIN: Move!!!
Ariel:Everyone swim!
FISH: [fish shouting and screaming]
ARIEL:Are you guys okay?
Nemo:I thinks so!
Ariel:Where's Dory?
DORY: Help! [Dory screaming]
NEMO: Come on! Dory!
DORY: Help!!! Get us out!!! [screams]
MARLIN: No! Dory!!
NEMO: Dad! I know what to do!!

MARLIN: Nemo! No!!
NEMO: We have to tell all the fish to swim down together!
MARLIN: Get out of there, now!!
Ariel:That's actually a good idea, Nemo!
NEMO: I know this will work!!
Ariel:Marlin you have to trust Nemo!
MARLIN: No, I am not gonna lose him again!!
NEMO: Dad, there's no time!! It's the only way we can save Dory! I can do this!
MARLIN: You're right. I know you can.
NEMO: Lucky fin!

MARLIN: Now go! Hurry!!
Ariel:Go, Nemo!
NEMO: Tell all of the fish to swim down!!
MARLIN: Well!? You heard my son?! Come on!
Ariel:Come on everyone! Swim down!
NEMO: Dory! We have to tell everybody to...!
MARLIN ...Swim down together!! Do you understand what I'm saying to you?! Swim down!!
DORY: Everybody swim down!!
NEMO: Come on! You have to swim down!!
DORY: Swim down, OK?

MARLIN: Down! Swim down!
Ariel:Swim down! Swim down!
[fish gasping]

Marlin: Don't give up!! Keep swimming! Just keep swimming!! That's it!!!

NEMO: It's working!!!

ALL: Keep swimming!!!
MARLIN: Just keep swimming!! Keep swimming!!
NEMO: Come on, Dad!!
MARLIN: You're doing great, son!!
NEMO: That's my Dad!
Ariel:Great job everyone!
MARLIN: Come on!! Let's get to the bottom!! Keep swimming!!

DORY: [singing] Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Ariel:Come on everyone! Keep swimming!
MARLIN: Almost there!! Keep swimming!!!
ALL: Keep swimming!!! Keep swimming!!! [cheering]
Ariel:Great job you guys!
MARLIN: Dory!! Where's Nemo?!
Ariel:I don't see him.
DORY: There!
MARLIN: Oh, no! Nemo!!
[Ariel, Marlin and Dory all swim towards Nemo to remove the giant fishing net off of him]
NEMO: [moaning]
Ariel:Nemo, are you all right?
MARLIN: Nemo? Nemo? It's OK. Daddy's here, daddy's got you.
NEMO: [coughs] Daddy?
MARLIN: Oh, thank goodness!
NEMO: Dad, I don't hate you.
MARLIN: Oh, no, no, no. I'm so sorry, Nemo. Hey, guess what?
NEMO: What?
MARLIN: Sea turtles? I met one! And he was a 150 years old.
NEMO: 150?
NEMO: 'Cause Sandy Plankton said they only live to be a 100.
MARLIN: Sandy Plankton? Do you think I would cross the entire ocean and not know as much as Sandy Plankton?! He was a 150! Not 100! Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything wrong?
Ariel:*giggles* Come on everyone, let's all go home.

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