I have to talk with Bryan

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What to me felt like just seconds of darkness turned out to be hours. I woke up with my eyes closed, deciding not to open them as I could see the sun shine brightly. It was too much light for me.
I grunted and turned around in my bed, putting my nose on my pillow only to realise that it wasn't my pillow, nor my bed. I opened up my eyes, the pillow smellt different, manlier. I looked around in the room, it was dark but not too dark. The pillow and cover was in the color of grey and the walls were slightly darker. Where were I? It definitly wasn't Bryans room.

The only thing I remember from yesterday was entering the party.. which means I probably got really drunk?? I panic for a moment, thousands of possible scenarios popping up in my head. Was I at some one night stands place? Oh no, oh god no.
I sat up, looking down on my clothes only to find myself in a big t-shirt and some soft pants.
"Aren't you like, really hungover?"
I got startled by the voice almost jumped through the roof as I slowly turned around. Oh please god let it not be...


Jude Bellingham in the same bed as I. Well, he was sitting beside me, on the cover, fully clothed with his phone in his hands. Not letting his gaze away from the screen.
"Why am I here, don't tell me we..."
"Of course we didn't" he looked at me as if I was dumb to ever consider such thing.
"key" I mumbled, the headache I felt yesterday returning to me on an instant, I whined and layed down again with my hands over my face.
"What happened yesterday?"
"You got drunk as hell, what is it with you and not being able to put some limits?" he said it, almost like an irritated dad.

Yeah, why didn't I put some limits yesterday? Did I really drink and drink until I blacked out?
"you sound like a dad. So boring" I mumbled, tired to say anything else.
"Shut up"
"I bet you'd want that"
"And I bet you'd want to be my dad" I stutter, trying to come with a comeback but what is that even supoosed to mean??
"Put a y in the end and I'm in" he laughs and shakes is head, then he suddenly stands up.
"So what happened yesterday?" I ask, my gaze on the ceiling.
"We'll get to that, first I'll get you some water and painkillers" he left his room and I decided to try and stand up. I left the bed, my head feeling like its going to explode anytime soon.
I wanted to know where he lived and just by looking out the window I figured out he lived in a row house, one of those cute brick houses. Sweet.

He entered the room again as I'm still standing by the window.
"Curious much huh?"
"Yeah. If I'm getting kidnapped, I want to atleast make sure the house looks good"
I hear his footsteps coming closer, he stops right behind me, feeling the warmth from his body close to me. I take a deep breath as he comes closer, puts the glass of water and the pills on the window sill.
Then, he leaves me and goes back to the bed, only now realising how hard my heart beats.
"Thank you" I mumble before drinking some of the water and swallowing the pills.
"now tell me, what happened last night?" I look at him, hoping that he could clear my memory up.
He sighs.
"I don't know exactly, I wasn't with you when you blacked out.. I just remember walking to the dance floor and I heard this comotion outside, the glass backdoors were open so I stopped and I saw you outside. You were laying on the grass and Bryan looked a bit scared while Max was... Max was Max you know. Probably saying some mean stuff because you managed to get this... messed up"
I nodded, but something didn't sit right with me, did I actually drink that much? Wasn't I just supposed to hang out with Bryan and my friends? Oh, my friends!
"Where were Chai and Lorie?" I looked at Jude.
"They were inside but I informed them on what had happened, they insisted on getting you home... Bryan did too. But I..... honestly I don't trust Bryan. So I just.. I took you to my car with Lorie and Chai and drove them home before going back to my place with you"
I raise my eyebrow.
"You don't trust Bryan?" I roll my eyes.
"I know what you're going to say okay, that I don't have any reason to not trust him. But he was also pretty drunk, atleast too drunk to get you home"
Silence again.
"I can't really remember anything helpfull but... I don't know... I just can't really accept the fact that I drank so much?"
"Maybe someone spiked your drink" Jude said it calmly before continuing:
"There is a chance someone tried to play a prank on someone and accidentally spiked your drink.."
I nodded, not that this conclusion made me any less scared.

I didn't stay too long at his place, just being around Bellingham took too much of my energy. Instead I went home to rest, to try remembering some more.
The days went by and me and Jude didn't talk a lot in school. I met with Bryan and he didn't utter a word about the party, but he seemed to have some beef with Max. Since Max sent him the evil eye everytime we walked past him. School exams were coming closer, so was the match. Coach insisted that me and Jude tried coming to a conclusion as soon as possible since we needed to decide who was going to play in the championship.

Another training match came to an end and I was more than irritated on Jude. He had been ignoring me during training, not that it bothered me but it messed with the comunication when we played, making us lose. I know that he probably just wanted to show off to the coach how he could play good without my help, but it wasn't working. I walked out of the dressing room as soon as I had lightly brushed my hair, swearing a bit too loud as I saw him in the corridor.
"How is it that we always manage to cross ways when I least want it"
"There she is, delighting as always" he put his phone in his backpocket, laughing at me. Making me more irritated.
"I don't need to be nice to you"
"No? After all I've done for you?"
I rolled my eyes.
"You helped me once at a party, big time thank you for saving my life Malala"
"Once? Oh honey, I got you out of trouble last time you got drunk too"
"No? Bryan got me to his place safely"
"Oh yeah? Is that what he says?"
"Of course it is what he says, because thats what happened?" I look at him confused, I did wake up at Bryans place the day after?
"And you remember him taking you to his place?"
"no... but I woke up there!" I put my arms around myself.

"Darling, the real story is that your 'boyfriend'-"
I interrupt him:
"He's not my boyfriend"
"Alright, your 'whatever' wasn't even there for you when you got drunk, he wasn't with you at all that night! He just left to talk with Max and some girls.
I was there when you blacked out and I cleaned you up" the tone in his voice changed, I looked around. Happy that no one seemed to be near.
I swallowed.
"Your boyfriend only came because I asked some dude to go get him, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't even had noticed. Because that is how much he cares about you!"
The words hit me like knives but I tried to look unbothered.
"Right, he doesn't care about me... thats why he took me to his place to stay the night.."
"Sweetie" Jude approached me, now only standing half a meter away from me, his hair messy and the look in his eyes dark.
"I told Bryan that I would take you to my place, since the dude was too drunk to take you anywhere. But he only isisted that you hated me. He went on about how much you hated me and didn't want to see me nor be near me. So I drove the both of you back to his place"
I looked at him, quiet.
"So you've got nothing to say?" He shook his head.
"How surprising of you Y/N"
And with that, he walk past me, letting his arm thud with my shoulder before walking out of the school.
I don't know what to say, if I should believe his words or if it was just some plan he had to get me off the team. But I know one thing.
I had to talk with Bryan.

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