Time to get rid of the trash.

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"So you mean that he.... drugged my drink?"
I looked at him in shock, what was he suggesting?
"why would he do that?"
Jude looked at me in sympathy.
"I don't know... but there may be a way that we can figure it out"
I looked at him confused.

We sat down in his car, my gaze on Jude as he had a serious expression on his face.
"So you're just... going to ask Max' parents for the camera footage? Do you really think that they'll give it to you?"
"Well, I used to be a really close friend to Max... I'll just tell them that I need the footage to make some kind of... video for his birthday."
"That is actually a really good idea.."

And so it went. We arrived at Max' house and fortunatly for us, he wasn't at home. But his parents were, and they were more than happy to give Jude the footage from last day's party. When we got back home, we watched the security footage in the kitchen, before I entered. We watched the black and white footage as Bryan entered the kitchen and quickly looked over his shoulder before putting something into the drink. Then Max entered, giving him a small highfive before they left. Afterwards, I see myself entering, picking up the cup they had positioned a bit more foreward than the others to catch attention. And then I drank from it, not knowing that I had just poisoned myself temporarily.
I looked at Jude, surprised at what I had just witnessed.
"Why would he..? Oh... and he even did it twice!! Jude! Max must've been the one to drug my drink the first time! If we have footage of that too... then maybe we could get rid of them both"
Jude's facial expression showed that he was angry, almost furious.
"We need to show it to the coach... we need to hold them accountable for this"
I thought about it for a bit.
"Maybe... we could tell them all. The whole team. At the same time. If the coach is there to see it too, and to see their reaction... maybe.... Maybe he'll fire Bryan from the team so that you and I can play together."
Jude smiled at me, his eyes getting a bit smaller before he leaned in and gave me a small peck on my cheek. It surprised me and I blushed, unused to the fact that we perhaps were something.
"Its a great plan. We'll make a powerpoint of some sort and then we'll just gather the whole team on monday. Inculding coach"
It was a plan. It was time to get rid of the trash.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now