Gone Forever

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And so, that was what we did. After spending the weekend together to put up a powerpoint starting with "Which one of us will be defender" and ending with "Why Bryan should be fired and we should both be defenders".

On monday, we informed the coach about the "very important powerpoint" and he agreed to let us show it before training. We put up chairs in the classroom connected to the sports venue and then we connected Jude's powerpoint to the projector.
The whole team sat down, Max doing everything possible to let us all know how boring this would be and Bryan looking at me with sadness after what had happened some days ago. His hickey was still visible. Dickhead.

"Go on Jude and Y/N, I'm eager to know who you've chosen as defender"
Coach looked at us beaming,
"Oh, ofcourse. Don't worry, you wont expect what we have concluded"
I smiled at him before starting the powerpoint, I began by telling everyone about mine and Jude's obvious beef about the position.
"At first.. the decision wasn't hard at all. In fact, we both knew that we wanted to win. It was either I, or Jude. It was our fight, it was between us. Atleast that was what we thought, until I got drugged at Max' party last friday. And Oh... which heartless person would have the courage to do such thing?"
I clicked on the computer, starting the video.
"The answer is quiet surprising... but not really."
Bryan looked at Max in panic and Max returned almost the same expression.
"Coach, I belive we have seen en-"
Coach looked at the video and then at Max.
"I don't think we have.. Max Taylor"
The video went on, Bryan put something in my drink, Max entered, high five and leave, I entered, I drank.
I then clicked on the computer again and Jude walked forward.
"In conclusion. Both of us should play defender in this years cup"

Bryan stood up, almost shaking.
"I-it wasn't meant for her!!" He said, lying about the reason he had put the drugs into the drink.
"Wow Bryan, that really makes everything better"
Coach walked forward to him, angrily.
"I promise! It- it slipped into the cup-"
"Oh shut up Bryan"
Max looked at him furious.
"You're making it worse you stupid brat."
Coach turned to Max with a sigh.
"And you Max... why? You have so much potential and you did this?"
Max rolled his eyes.
"We wanted to get back at her for making up all this drama in our team. Things were better before her. We just wanted her to do something embarassing so that we could catch it on camera and scare her off"
Max spoke calmly, almost not recognising that what he had done was bad.
"Oh I see... and that worked out so well. Bryan, Max. You are fired, and I expect to never see you again. Not on this field and not in this school's corridors. Jude, Y/N. You two are now the defenders... and we'll just have to put Michael Floyd in Max' position. And from now on, no more drama. The cup is just around the corner and if anyone of you behave bad until then, I'll just have to make you all clean the toilets in this school, daily, with toothbrushes"
And then he left. Our coach, furious. On his way to talk with the principal as Max and Bryan left school ground. Gone forever.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now