As for we were one

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Coach didn't lie when he said that he never wanted to see Bryan nor Max ever again. Because they ledt that day and never came back, not to the field nor the school. The principal took the incident as serious as Mr Watson.

The championship happened just one month later and we killed it. We hadn't lost more than 2 games and our teamname was always on the top of the boarder.
We became famous as the team with a female player, and we inspired dozens of other football teams. I hear some sexist shit almost every match, but the rest of my team were there to support me. Especially Jude.

There we were. It was the final and we were meeting our enemies, Maple Hills, the only school whom we had never beat before. We were even, 2-2, and there was only a few minutes left until we would have to begin with the penalties. My eyes met Jude as I had just gotten the ball, he winked at me. Signaling. It was time. I had talked with him about it. It was daring for a defender, but I knew that if I risked it and it worked, then we would most likely win. So I took a deep breath before running as fast as I could, with the ball leading the way. Jude ran too, but a few meters away from me. I heard the public becoming quiet, as if they all knew what was going to happen. They were preparing for the moment of fail. The moment where someone from the other team took the ball and made it all the way to the goal where me and Jude couldn't defend it. I looked at him again, trying my best to keep the other players away from the ball, I was tired and sweaty but I couldn't give up. Not now. Not when I had my chance. Jude yelled at me, I couldn't focuse enough to hear him but I assumed that it was something upbeat. He ran forward and nodded. Thats when I took the chance and kicked the ball, it flew sideways, in the same direction as Jude. I could run faster without the ball so I did so, arriving close to the goal. Jude hade caught the ball and he smiled to me before doing something unexpected. Instead of making a goal as we had agreed on, he shot the ball back to me, and before I could even think, I just kicked it with all of my remaining force.
It flew high, but not too high, but still high enough. High enough for it to fly right between the goalkeepers head and the pole. Making the scores turn to 3-2 to us and thats when we heard it.
The judgers whistleing as the game had ended. Only seconds after my goal. It was quiet for a moment before the publig, atleast the ones cheering for our team, all stood up and yelled. They yelled, whisteled, sang, clapped. My teammates looked fascinated, they all yelled my name before they surrounded me.

I couldn't really take it all in. Not only did we win against a team that had been burning us out year after year. But we had also won the cup for the first time in years.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N" everyone yelled. Jude, our teammates, the public, coach, Chai and even Lorie yelled with their girlfriend Chrissie. My teammates stood in a circle around me before they lifted me up. I put my hands in the air, yelling and laughin, crying and panting. It was ethereal. Like everything I had ever dreamt off and nothing I had never experienced before. I felt loves, complete and also wanting for more. They all put me down as my teammates walked to edge of the field, to drink some water and talk with the coach or their families. The other team sighed and shook their head. But he stood there with me. In the middle of everything. His eyes were on me, as if he had stared at me the whole time. I laughed and looked at him, he was as sweaty and tired as me.
"Now its your turn to look all wet"
"Oh shut up Y/N"
"Make m-"
Before I could finish my sentence, he put his strong hands on my waist, dragging me closer and then pressing his lips against mine. I shivered before putting my hand on his neck, meeting his passionate lips with mine. And the world stopped for another moment.

Maybe we were right.
There could only be one. And that one, was us. Together. As for we were one.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now