C28: Runaway Girl, Again

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I could hear screams coming from the main entrance. Was I that loud? I looked down at Eugine and saw his blank eyes staring at the side on the ground. I felt three things at that moment; relief, guilt, and sickness. I bent down and closed his eyelids.

"As much as I hate you, I will say I wouldn't be the strong woman I am now without you, so I guess I can say thank you. Dad."

I got back up again and as I was about to leave, the door slammed open. There was Donna, along with Johnny, Jaehyun, Yuta, Jaemin, and Jeno.

"You guys are a little late, don't you think?"

Shock was all over their face, seeing my original white dress become crimson red. Wow, this is the biggest deja vu I've felt in years "Let's get out of here. Where'd you park?"

"Um, the back forest", Yuta said. "A-are you good?"

"What makes you think I'm not?"

"Maggie miss", Donna said, "I don't want to point out the obvious but..." I looked at myself and made an O with my mouth.

"Well I didn't expect to go through with it but he had it coming" I pulled my dress up to kick Eugine over. In his hand was a dagger. "I technically shot him out of self protection."

"Well I guess we can leave now before the guards find us,"Jaemin said.

"Hold on let me just", I found a pair of scissors in one of the drawers and started cutting my dress to where it was a little above my knees and I took off my heels. "Now we can go"

We started running out of the house with gunshots along the way. Donna distracted a few with the help of the other maids. I was shocked to see Donna fight. She was pretty strong.

We made it out and we all hurried to get inside the van. We escaped back to the base all in one piece.

"MAGGIEEEEEEE!", Chenle yelled as he ran to me for a hug. "You don't know how much I missed you"

"I wouldn't hug her now", said Renjun. "It looks like she's a bit.....dirty" Chenle looked at me and soon he had wide eyes. "Oh wow!"

"Yeah, You could say I'm the next Carrie", I said as I strutted, doing some poses along the way.

"I think red looks good on me"

"Well, we are glad to see you again", said Sungchan as he came up to me to give me a hug.

"Don't worry, red looks good on me too so it's fine"

I laughed at his comment. "I missed you guys". Soon more members started to hug me until it was a monster group hug. After we all started getting hot(especially me since I was in the middle), We made our separate ways to have a giant party. Some were in the Arcade competing in basketball, some were cooking food for all of us to enjoy, some were breaking out the solo cups and playing beer pong, some were playing Dead by Daylight in the living room, and the rest were running around and talking to each other. Just like day one, I thought.

Note: Home isn't where you live. Home is a place with people that you love who love you back

"So Maggie", Haechan said, "What are you going to do with the Stallard Kingdom? You just gonna let it fall?" I had completely forgotten about that. "Honestly I don't know. I might ask my mom later and see what she wants. In all honesty, I think she's the decision maker for the kingdom"

Haechan nodded. "Well, are you going to go back?" He asked with a frown on his face. This caused the others to look at me. "I'm pretty sure you're the last Stallard'' I looked at him with a serious face, making him tear up just a little along with a few others. "I think that might be the only option. Everyone who lives there is going to have to leave or it's going to be chaos. I'm sorry" Haechan lowered his head. "Oh. Ok then. If that's what you have to do" I then immediately started laughing.

"You're so dumb. I'm not a Stallard. I'm a Hart. And why would I leave you guys. You are my lifetime serotonin pill. I can't skip out on a day"

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