Chapter 32

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"But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating...."

I awoke abruptly with someone frantically shaking my body, groaning slightly. I turned towards the person that was so adamant to wake me. I pinched one eye open to see Fred in all his glory kneeling in front of where my face was.

"Yes Frederick?" I questioned and closed my eyes in hopes to resume my precious beauty sleep.

"Time to rise and shine, beautiful. My mom made pancakes and eggs. You wouldn't want to miss out on such a wonderful breakfast made with all her love and adoration, Isn't that right?" Suddenly energy came rushing back into my body at the idea of Mrs. Weasleys' famous breakfast. I popped off the surprisingly comfortable couch and stood in front of Fred, who had his arms crossed and a smug smile.

"Your mom didn't see us both asleep on the couch, did she?" I asked as we left the meeting room, secretly hoping Fred was smart enough to remember to make his way back to his room before Mrs.Weasley could see. She would surely not approve of our scandalous actions taking place late at night in her own home.

"Nope, I went back to my room after you fell asleep, don't you worry love." He responded, easing my worries.

We both entered the kitchen at the same time, I rushed to help Mrs.Weasley with setting the table but she shooed me away. Muttering to herself about how I was a guest and that she has loads of other children that could help her. Of course, she then called Fed over to help her, earning me a glare from my red-headed boyfriend.


"Did you pack a swimsuit?" Fred asked me after breakfast, we were cleaning up the dishes when he prung the unexpected question.

"Yeah, why?" I put down the last plate and turned to him, curiosity etched all over my face. I didn't know he wanted me to pack one, the only reason I had a suit in the first place was because I wasn't entirely sure what the Weasley family had and didn't have. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Good, you're gonna need it." He told me and exited the kitchen without another word. I stood alone next to the sink with unanswered questions and more confusion than I had at the start of the conversation.


"Okay, Frederick. I'm going to need a bit of a heads up if you're planning to kill me," I called out and continued to follow after my boyfriend. We were currently hiking through the woods to god knows where, I can guess it involves water which worries me a bit.

What also worries me is that I only earned a chuckle from my murder comment, I really hope I'm not about to be lead to my death by the man I love the most in the world-. My whole brain stopped for a moment, I love him? Do I? Or did my brain just start trailing away?

I didn't have much time to think about the matter because Fred stopped so abruptly in front of me, I nearly toppled over the hundreds of shrubs that littered the ground.

"We're here, 'phelia." Fred announced, racing forward to reveal a beautiful lake, surrounded by trees. Rocks littered the shore, substituting for sand and grass. The water was a bright blue color with leaves scattered on top from the trees above.

I stopped for a moment and took in the beauty in front of me, Fred already putting all of our stuff on the tallest rock near the lake

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I stopped for a moment and took in the beauty in front of me, Fred already putting all of our stuff on the tallest rock near the lake. I made my way slowly over to him, being careful where I place my feet so I don't slip and belly-flop into the water.

"So, What do you think? I know there isn't tons of shade but-" Fred started but I cut him off.

"Fred... it's perfect," I confessed. A big smile making its way onto my face, how much better could this man get? He's far past perfect, anymore and it'll just be unfair.

Fred mirrored my smile and took a big running leap into the water, droplets coming back to shower me. I quickly stripped off my cover and threw my shoes onto the pile of clothes being made at the peak of the rock. I paused for a moment and decided where I should jump, when I looked up I caught Fred trailing his eyes up and down my body.

(Ophelia's swimsuit^^^ isn't mine here is the linkhttps://www

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(Ophelia's swimsuit^^^ isn't mine here is the link

I quickly raced over to the lowest rock, which was still fairly high from the water and backed up. But I didn't run right away, my run and jump was halted by my hesitation. I can't swim amazingly, but I didn't want to sit outside the water when Fred was so happy to take me here.

Finally building up enough courage, I took my big running leap into the water. Making sure to aim towards Fred so I could grab onto him when I come up.

Reaching the surface I wrapped my arms and legs around him; in a straddle position. "This is freezing, Fred." I shivered but smiled none-the-less.

"Yeah, but it's a nice break from the hot temperature today." He wrapped his arms around me and started to wade around. Sometimes poking me in the ribs causing me to squirm.

It was quiet for a while, both of us just admiring the view of nature. I broke the silence first though, with a deep-shaky breath. I told him what I haven't said to anybody in a long time. The three words I was so scared to say for so long, in fear it would chase him away.

"Freddie?" I whispered, looking him in the eyes with a serious expression.

"Yes, love?"

"I love you." 

AHHHHHH she said it!!!!! I feel like this is a milestone. Is this a milestone? 

sorry I took so long to post another chapter I was on vacation the last 10 days and have been too tired to write lol. It seems like everything is pissing me off so easily now but of well.

Are you excited for school to start again?


When does your school start? 

Aug. 16

Love you all <3

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