Chapter 36

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"Say you remember me, standing in a black dress, staring at the sunset babe..."

"Oi! Where the hell were you guys?" George questioned us as soon as Fred and I entered the train cart. Passing many students on the way who were obviously disturbed and confused about the scary cloaked figures that came floating through.

"We were talking and had to go hide in an empty cart because of those creepy monster things," I explained, hoping that somebody would have an explanation or a better understanding of what attacked us.

"They were dementors from Azkaban, probably looking for Sirius Black," Lee told us, pointing to a paper in his book. It showed a man posing for a mugshot, bold letters above him stating 'Have you seen this wizard?'.

Something about the man seemed off, a shiver was sent down the back of my spine whenever I looked at the poster. But why were the dementors on the Hogwarts train? Sirius couldn't possibly be hiding out on here, there are too many protection spells.

"What'd he do?" I asked, praying that it was a minor offense like robbery or threatening someone on the street.

"I heard he killed Harry Potter's parents."

Anxiety filled my stomach at those words. A killer is on the loose? Possibly hiding in our school?

"No way," George laughed, "You're totally bluffing."

"I'm not! Read the articles before you accuse me of lying, Weasley." Lee bumped his elbow, causing them to go into a mini ruff housing fight.

"I heard he was framed, being the Potters best friend and all. Why would he commit such a crime without reason?" Fred argued back, whether he was trying to ease his own worries or he really believed that I couldn't tell.

"Maybe he went insane, happens all the time, Fred." George shot back, stopping his elbowing competition just to argue with his brother.

"People don't just 'go insane' something has to provoke it."

"That's a complete lie, Fred-"

I stopped listening and just let the twins argue, the conversation drawing out and my thoughts taking over. With both the Sirius Black situation and Fred and I's argument earlier. I'm trying to ignore it, knowing I have bigger problems, but the weight is heavy on the back of my mind making it hard to ignore.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked up at Lee, his concerned voice somehow breaking through the bickering of the two Weasly's.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Just a lot on my mind," I answered and looked back out the window, deciding to enjoy the last bit of the journey to Hogwarts.


When we entered the Great Hall all you could hear were rumors and conversations about the Dementors. Some kids said that they were after Harry Potter and some told the story about how the Dementor entered their train cart.

Just then, Dumbledore stood from his chair and his voice echoed from the magical speakers all around us. "I know that the events earlier this evening were frightening, but we are handling the Dementor situation as we speak. Please do not let that mishap distract you from our festivities, we must give warm welcomes to the new and the returning students today at Hogwarts."

Then he explained to the first years about the sorting and how they would be placed into different houses. I clapped when the rest of my table clapped and tuned back in when the food appeared on the table. Happy to finally be able to put food in my stomach.

As everyone was leaving the Great Hall to unpack into their dorm, I stayed next to Fred pulling on his shirt to make him next to me. "What's up, baby?" He asked once he noticed that I needed to tell him something.

"Um, I just wanted to continue our conversation from earlier. I feel like we left on a bad note, and I didn't want you to think I was mad at you or anything. I just didn't like how friendly that girl was being with you and I felt uncomfortable with it. I know you think that she may not have been out of line, but I do. So I just wanted to make that clear, I'm not crazy I just wanted her to know that you were taken and that she couldn't act like that with you." Through my whole explanation, Fred was nodding his head along and not speaking, which made me slightly nervous but I made my point.

"Phelia, why didn't you just say that earlier?"

"Because you were so quick to defend her!"

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was taking somebody else's side, I only want you, nobody else." He cupped my face and kissed my forehead, letting it linger there for a few moments.

"Thank you, Freddie. I love you."

"Love you more baby. You want to sleep in my room tonight?"

"Of course, Freddie. Why would you even ask?" I giggled and bumped into his side, his arm wrapping around my waist causing my body to erupt with warm tingles.

I saw this tik tok reading crazy authors notes and honestly, I'm not surprised If i show up one day on there lmfao. anyways i broke up with my boyfriend aka my best friend aka my only friend because I think I'm gay and i was not attracted to him but mostly because I'm gay lmao. and now i have 0000000 friends so fantastic. i work everyday of the week  because I'm a depressed teen who gets anxiety when I'm broke so lmaooo. anways i have like a to my incense and crystals in my cart and I'm about to order them because i get paid in like 2 hours (wrote this at 10) 

also do yall ever want a face reveal or is that cringy? 

bye my beautiful babes <3

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