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"Dandelion... please please please don't let me down..." the girl mumbles, blowing on the flower as she looks to her right, forgetting that her friends weren't with her that day and that it was just her.

She sighs loudly as a cold gust of wind blows over the colorful field, some lone dandelions having their seeds blown off.

"Yeona?" a familiar voice calls as the girl jumps from fright, she turns her head to face the culprit, smiling when she notices who it was. "You don't do that, Jeno..."

"Do what?"

"Scare people..."

Comfortable silence washes over as Yeona looks towards the road, not noticing any vehicles parked. "Did you walk all the way here?" she asked, the boy sending her a small smile.


"How long did that take?"


"How are your feet not sore-"

"Yeona" he calls again as he cups her face with his hands, "Look at me..."

The two stay in complete silence, the wind getting stronger as thunder could be heard from the distance. "Move on"

Yeona's eyes shake, moving back and forth between his. "But... I still love you-"

"I still do as well..."

"Then why-"

"To move on doesn't mean to stop loving... I'll love you forever. I'm sure of that"

Silence again. The girl not knowing what to say as the boy removes his hands from her face, slowly planting a kiss to her forehead as he begins to walk away.

"Jeno" she calls, attempting to grab hold of his arm but failing.

"Yeona" he calls again, him now beside her as she falls to the ground on her knees. "Please move on. I'm not here anymore."

"No. No. You still are"

"In your heart and head, love. Just in those two places"

Thunder could be heard throughout the field as a car horn could be heard from the distance. "That's them. Our friends. Go with them now, please. It'll start raining soon"

But the girl didn't move. She was stuck there. Tears couldn't even run down her face anymore. She had none left to cry.

"You're still here. Physically. I know you are"

"No I'm not, love"

"Yes you are!"

"Look up"

And she does as told. What could she see? Nothing. Just a vast field of dandelions. The flowers that gave her happiness.

But happiness and hope can only last so long.

Soon after, she could hear footsteps and arms were wrapped around her, her friends pulling her up as they comfort her all the way towards the car.

"I miss him you guys" she starts, her friends feeling a tug at their hearts. "So much"

"We do too, Yeona. We miss him a lot."

Yeona wished for him to come back.

For the love of her life to continue with his life.

But the next day, and for the rest of her life, she didn't get him.


✓ DANDELIONS. ( jeno )Where stories live. Discover now