Chapter 1

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I stared out of my cryopod having given up on trying to drift off for a nap and looked at the other passengers. Across from me there was a prison pod with a convict in it with a horse bit in his mouth he was tall with a dark muscle shirt and a pair of cargo pants and a blind fold over his eyes that had a hole in it he smelled like blood, metal, and something wild it was a very appealing smell. To my right was a women with red hair she smelled of leather and dirt beside her was a man with salt and pepper hair he smelled like oil and leather with what little light there was I could make out matching rings. To my left was a holy man that smelled like exotic fruit the three other pods beside him had the same scent but had unique scents mixed with it the were all related. In the first pod by the prison pod was a mercenary dressed as a officer he ricked of sweat and drugs.

The convict in the prison pod was moving around and making noise like he was trying to get my attention. I turned my head to look at him and saw the shine of his eyes under the blindfold. I laid my head against the back of my pod and closed my eyes listening to the breathing and heart beats of people around me when I heard the sound of whistling and the sound of something pinging around in a pod and there was one less heart beat in the ship. I smelled blood and death then heard alarms going off then there was the sound of to pods opening followed by two thuds. something was wrong with the ship the caption was dead and the acting caption and pilot were trying to find a place to land.

the pilot said that the ship was losing air and the only planet to land on was one that no one had heard of before. I heard and felt as we entered the atmosphere the pilot said something about being to heavy and needing to drop weight to level out there was the sound of something dropping from the ship and the acting caption asked her what she did she told him that she wasn't going to die for the passengers. I heard the acting caption tell her not to flip a switch then I heard him moving around and blocking something with metal. There was a loud bang and an harsh landing the caused me to fly forward the only thing that stop me from hitting the glass was my harness. I fell backwards and hit my head on the back of the pod and the world started to spin.

The world was blurry when I heard the sound of a pod opening and walking then the door to me pod was thrown open and the person who opened the pod unbuckled my harness and lifted me out of my pod and placed me outside of the ship in a place that was shaded from the sun by a part of the ship then the figure walked back into the ship.

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