six : home wrecker

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school was over, we went to the club meeting... ashley went home early today cause her parents went back home earlier than expected while suji decided to wait for me.

"hey!" i said.

"hiii!" suji said.

we went to the park to have a little girl talk stuff.

"so... what did you guys do on club meeting?" i asked

"oh! right, good you asked, we're assigned to memorize short 5 to 10 minute script. and well, which student has the best script and acting will be chosen as the main role for some kind of mini school drama that'll be released on the school's 60th anniversary. we just did some practice and lessons for acting" she said.

"that's nice!" i said. "hope you get the main role tho" i continued.

"yea i wish so. oh but, what took you long today?" she asked.

"i was practicing for a dance. like you said, for the school's 60th anniversary." i said.

"woah, so it would be like you'll be having a concert if you ever get chosen!" she said.

"yea, and you'd be like a very famous actress if you also got chosen" i said.

"well, yea sorta" she giggled.

we bought some snacks and hung out a little, but eventually we went home. it was 18:00 pm and i was in the streets walking home.... then i decided to call my dad...

"good morning, princess! it's morning here in canada, im guessing its near night time there, huh?" dad said.

"yea... it's near night." i said with no energy at all.

"uhm... soo, are you tired?" he asked.

"no, dad. i just want to ask you something...." i said.

"what is it dear?" he asked.

"why did you divorce mom?" i asked...

"s-soo... you're too-" he stopped as i snuck in his words.


there wasn't much people around me. i shouted at him with full anger, not realizing tears was streaming down my cheeks.

"look, soo... you're mom and i- we don't love each other anymore..." he said.

"LIAR! if that's true then mom wouldn't be crying home thinking why'd you divorced her! dad, i'm your daughter... and you didn't even think what your decision would affect me..." i said.

"im so sorry, soo, look... i love another woman now, please understand my happiness." he said.

"HA! your happiness?! you picked YOUR happiness over ME and my MOM's happiness?! you're a selfish man! i can't believe you're choosing a home wrecker over your wife... over you DAUGHTER..." i said.

"soo... please-" he didn't continue... as i ended the call.

i proceeded to walk home, crying... i had no energy to do anything...

'for another woman...? ha...'

i was in front of our gate, hesitating to go inside. the guard saw me and greeted me, i know tears was still on my eyes but i didn't care. i just smiled back and went inside the house. jane saw me walking up my room with tears and quickly ran to me.

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