Chapter 10 Kini is grounded And sneak out to see her friends

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It was the next day and Before King Kion goes off to morning patrol King Kion and Queen Rani had a little talk with Kini about her  punishment since she is grounded for 3 days so she can't leave the tree and she can't see her friends until her grounding is over.

King Kion: Kini you up
Queen Rani: come on its morning
Kini: No I want to sleep since I'm grounded
King Kion: Kini just because your grounded that does not mean for you to sleep all day
Kini: Fine I'm up Sheesh (With an attitude)
King Kion: Thank you and don't give me that attitude young lady
Kini: So Dad
King Kion: Yes
Kini: What's going on
King Kion: We are finishing the rest of your punishment
Kini: Aw man
King Kion: now since you are grounded
Queen Rani: Me and Your Father have decided that you are not allowed to leave the tree and hang out with your friends
Kini: aww man for how long
King Kion: Until your 3 days of grounding is over
Kini: Oh ok
King Kion: So while me and your mother are out for the day you will be in this tree and your not going anywhere
Kini: fine
Queen Rani: and you will have time to think about why are being punished
Kini: but mom but dad
King Kion: No buts now me and your mom are going now
Queen Rani: Now be good until we get back
Kini: Ok I will
King Kion: Good

After King Kion and Queen Rani talked to Kini about the rest of her punishment and she was just sitting on the rock and her friends come to see her and they want to hang out do she decided to sneak out to see her friends.

The girls: Hey Kini what's up
Kini: Nothing I'm grounded
The girls: Grounded for what
Kini: Me and my cousin Kira went to a place where we weren't supposed to go
The girls: Dang how long are you grounded for
Kini: For 3 days
The girls: That's not cool
Kini: Yeah it's not fair
The girls: Yeah it's not fair so come with us
Kini: Uhh I can't leave I'm grounded remember
The girls: So we will have you back before your parents get back
Kini: Ok I'm in
The girls: Ok let's go

After the girls left and King Kion and Queen Rani were with the guard and night pride.

Bailyo: So how's Kini doing
King Kion: She is doing good
Queen Rani: Yeah but she is grounded
Bunga: Grounded what did she do
King Kion: Well she was being bad
Bailyo: Oh come on she's a perfect little girl
Queen Rani: Yeah she is when ever she wants to be
King Kion: Yeah

After they were talking the girls were at the mountain pass where King Kion and Queen Rani were at and then Kini gets caught.

Kini: Wow my parents will kill me if I was out here
The girls: Yeah don't have worry we don't see them so your fine
Kini: Ok

Then King Kion and Queen Rani see Kini and her friends at the mountain pass then they walked up to Kini and they take her home.

Queen Rani: Is that Kini
King Kion: Yep it's Kini
Queen Rani: Oh she is in trouble when we get home
King Kion: Oh yes she is

Then they walk to Kini.

Kini: Girls I'm glad that I'm out of the tree
The girls: Yeah we are glad to
Kini: Yeah I needed it
King Kion and Queen Rani: Ahm
Kini: Oh hi mom and dad we were just leaving
King Kion: Yeah nice try let's go home
Queen Rani: Come on young lady
Kini: Ok bye girls
The girls: bye Kini

After King Kion and Queen Rani got Kini home and they had a little talk with her.

King Kion: Me and your mom are not happy with you right now
Kini: But Mom dad I was bored so I went out with my friends
Queen Rani: Well you disobeyed your father and me
Kini: I know
King Kion: And you went out after we told you that you were grounded
Kini: I know
King Kion: Now since you disobeyed me and your mom you are now grounded for a week
Kini: Oh come on a week
King Kion: Yes for a week
Queen Rani: Now go into the tree stay in there till dinner
King Kion: You have to think about your actions
Kini: Ok fine (with an attitude)
Walks into the tree

Then she went into the tree.

Well that's the end of this chapter.

The Lion Guard: The Tree of Life with King Kion and Queen Rani Where stories live. Discover now